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GitHub Action

Update lambda from S3

v1.0.0 Latest version

Update lambda from S3


Update lambda from S3

Deploy a lambda's code from a zip in a S3 bucket


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Update lambda from S3

uses: rotarydialer/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in rotarydialer/update-lambda-s3

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GitHub Action: Deploy Lambda from a zip in an S3 Bucket

This action uses the AWS CLI to update a lambda function's code from a zip stored in an S3 bucket.

This is in contrast to many other actions, which will deploy only a local zip file. The main benefits of this approach, in the author's opinion, are:

  1. Allows for asynchronous build and deploy phases.
  2. Allows for the deployment of larger file sizes.


Place in a .yml file (e.g., deploy-lambda.yml) in your .github/workflows folder. See the example below. Refer to the documentation on workflow YAML syntax for further details.


name: Deploy lambda from S3

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: rotarydialer/update-lambda-s3@main
          LAMBDA_NAME: example-lambda-function
          AWS_S3_BUCKET: example-lambda-builds-bucket
          AWS_S3_KEY: builds/
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}

Required Environment Variables

Key Value Type Required
LAMBDA_NAME The name of the lambda you wish to update. env Yes
AWS_S3_BUCKET The name of the bucket where the zip file is stored. For example, my-lambda-builds-bucket. env Yes
AWS_S3_KEY The location (path and filename) of the zip file on S3. For example, /builds/ env Yes
AWS_REGION The region where your lambda and bucket reside. For example, us-east-1. env Yes
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your AWS access key ID. env Yes
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Your AWS secret access key. env Yes