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GitHub Action

Set persistent value


Set persistent value


Set persistent value

Sets a value that persists through GitHub Actions jobs and workflows


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Set persistent value

uses: aaimio/set-persistent-value@v1

Learn more about this action in aaimio/set-persistent-value

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Set or get a value that persists through GitHub Actions jobs, steps, or workflows.

For example:

  • Set or get a hash that can be used for comparison, e.g. execute some logic if a file hash has changed.
  • Set or get a URL required in other steps, jobs, or workflows, e.g. a Vercel preview URL to run a Lighthouse report on.
  • Set a boolean value to keep track of whether something was executed or not, e.g. to make sure some logic only runs once.

Set a persistent value

The set-persistent-value action takes the inputs below:

Input Description
key An identifier with which you can retrieve the persistent value.
value The persistent value to store (can be a string, number, or boolean).
access_token Use curl to generate one (or simply visit the URL directly), after generating, add the access token as a GitHub secret for your repo (e.g. PERSISTENT_VALUE_ACCESS_TOKEN). You can generate a token using curl
- name: Set a persistent value
  id: set_persistent_value
  uses: aaimio/set-persistent-value@v1
    key: foo
    value: bar
    access_token: ${{ secrets.PERSISTENT_VALUE_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

Get a persistent value

The get-persistent-value action takes the inputs below:

Input Description
key An identifier with which you can retrieve the persistent value.
access_token Use curl to generate one (or simply visit the URL directly), after generating, add the access token as a GitHub secret for your repo (e.g. PERSISTENT_VALUE_ACCESS_TOKEN). You can generate a token using curl
- name: Get a persistent value
  id: get_persistent_value
  uses: aaimio/get-persistent-value@v1
    key: foo
    access_token: ${{ secrets.PERSISTENT_VALUE_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- name: Some other step
  run: |
    echo ${{ steps.get_persistent_value.outputs.value }}

Using the API directly

In the background, the action is interfacing with a simple key-value store API built specifically for this use case. To reduce the overhead of downloading the action(s) or introducing another step into your workflow, you're more than welcome to use the API directly:

  • The x-github-repo header is optional, it will only keep track of which repositories are using the action or API.

Set a persistent value

curl -X POST \
  -H 'x-api-key: ${{ secrets.PERSISTENT_VALUE_ACCESS_TOKEN }}' \
  -H 'x-github-repo: <GITHUB_OWNER/GITHUB_REPO>' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "value": "some_value" }' \

Get a persistent value

SOME_VALUE=$(curl -X GET \
  -H 'x-api-key: ${{ secrets.PERSISTENT_VALUE_ACCESS_TOKEN }}' \
  -H 'x-github-repo: <GITHUB_OWNER/GITHUB_REPO>' \


Things to note

  • Items will persist until the access_token hasn't been used for 3 months.