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GitHub Action


v4.1.3 Latest version




automated releases based on conventional commits


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: release-please-action

uses: googleapis/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in googleapis/release-please-action

Choose a version

Release Please Action

Conventional Commits

Automate releases with Conventional Commit Messages.

Basic Configuration

  1. Create a .github/workflows/release-please.yml file with these contents:

          - main
      contents: write
      pull-requests: write
    name: release-please
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
              # this assumes that you have created a personal access token
              # (PAT) and configured it as a GitHub action secret named
              # `MY_RELEASE_PLEASE_TOKEN` (this secret name is not important).
              token: ${{ secrets.MY_RELEASE_PLEASE_TOKEN }}
              # this is a built-in strategy in release-please, see "Action Inputs"
              # for more options
              release-type: simple

    Specifying a release-type configuration is the most straight-forward configuration option, but allows for no further customization. For advanced configuration options, see the Advanced Configuration section

  2. Merge the above action into your repository and make sure new commits follow the Conventional Commits convention, release-please will start creating Release PRs for you.

Advanced Release Configuration

For any advanced configuration, please set up a manifest config and then configure this action as follows:

#...(same as above)
  - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
      # this assumes that you have created a personal access token
      # (PAT) and configured it as a GitHub action secret named
      # `MY_RELEASE_PLEASE_TOKEN` (this secret name is not important).
      token: ${{ secrets.MY_RELEASE_PLEASE_TOKEN }}
      # optional. customize path to release-please-config.json
      config-file: release-please-config.json
      # optional. customize path to .release-please-manifest.json
      manifest-file: .release-please-manifest.json

Action Inputs

input description
token A GitHub secret token, the action defaults to using the special secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN
release-type If specified, defines the release strategy to use for the repository. Reference Release types supported
path create a release from a path other than the repository's root
target-branch branch to open pull release PR against (detected by default)
config-file Path to the release-please config in the repository. Defaults to release-please-config.json
manifest-file Path to the release-please versions manifest. Defaults to .release-please-manifest.json
repo-url GitHub repository name in the form of <owner>/<repo>. Defaults to the repository the action is running in.
github-api-url Override the GitHub API URL.
github-graphql-url Override the GitHub GraphQL URL
fork If true, send the PR from a fork. This requires the token to be a user that can create forks (e.g. not the default GITHUB_TOKEN)
include-component-in-tag If true, add prefix to tags and branches, allowing multiple libraries to be released from the same repository
proxy-server Configure a proxy servier in the form of <host>:<port> e.g.
skip-github-release If true, do not attempt to create releases. This is useful if splitting release tagging from PR creation.
skip-github-pull-request If true, do not attempt to create release pull requests. This is useful if splitting release tagging from PR creation.

GitHub Credentials

release-please requires a GitHub token to access the GitHub API. You configure this token via the token configuration option.


If using GitHub Actions, you will need to specify a token for your workflows to run on Release Please's releases and PRs.

By default, Release Please uses the built-in GITHUB_TOKEN secret. However, all resources created by release-please (release tag or release pull request) will not trigger future GitHub actions workflows, and workflows normally triggered by release.created events will also not run. From GitHub's docs:

When you use the repository's GITHUB_TOKEN to perform tasks, events triggered by the GITHUB_TOKEN will not create a new workflow run. This prevents you from accidentally creating recursive workflow runs.

You will want to configure a GitHub Actions secret with a Personal Access Token if you want GitHub Actions CI checks to run on Release Please PRs.

Workflow Permissions

This workflow will need the following permissions in your workflow file:

  contents: write
  pull-requests: write

You may also need to set "Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests" under repository Settings > Actions > General.

For more information about permissions:

Release Types Supported

Release Please automates releases for the following flavors of repositories:

release type description
dart A repository with a pubspec.yaml and a
elixir An elixir repository with a mix.exs and a
expo An Expo based React Native repository, with a package.json, app.json and
go Go repository, with a
helm A helm chart repository with a Chart.yaml and a
java A strategy that generates SNAPSHOT version after each release
krm-blueprint A kpt package, with 1 or more KRM files and a
maven Strategy for Maven projects, generates SNAPSHOT version after each release and updates pom.xml automatically
node A Node.js repository, with a package.json and
ocaml An OCaml repository, containing 1 or more opam or esy files and a
python A Python repository, with a, setup.cfg, and and optionally a pyproject.toml and a <project>/
php A php composer package with composer.json and
ruby A Ruby repository, with version.rb and
rust A Rust repository, with a Cargo.toml (either as a crate or workspace) and a
sfdx A repository with a sfdx-project.json and a
simple A repository with a version.txt and a
terraform-module A terraform module, with a version in the, and a

New types of releases can be added here.

You can also find them in the release-please repository.


Properties that are available after the action executed.

output description
releases_created true if any release was created, false otherwise
paths_released A JSON string of the array of paths that had releases created ([] if )
prs_created true if any pull request was created or updated
pr A JSON string of the PullRequest object (unset if no release created)
prs A JSON string of the array of PullRequest objects (unset if no release created)

Root component outputs

If you have a root component (path is . or unset), then the action will also output:

output description
release_created true if a root component release was created, false otherwise
upload_url Directly related to Create a release API
html_url Directly related to Create a release API
tag_name Directly related to Create a release API
major Number representing major semver value
minor Number representing minor semver value
patch Number representing patch semver value
sha SHA that a GitHub release was tagged at

Path outputs

If you have a monorepo or a component with path different than the root (.) directory, then your outputs will have the path prefixed to the output name.

This prefix allows you to distinguish values for different releases.

output description
<path>--release_created true if the release was created, false otherwise
<path>--upload_url Directly related to Create a release API
<path>--html_url Directly related to Create a release API
<path>--tag_name Directly related to Create a release API
<path>--major Number representing major semver value
<path>--minor Number representing minor semver value
<path>--patch Number representing patch semver value
<path>--sha sha that a GitHub release was tagged at

If the path contains / you can access the outputs by using javascript like property access steps.release.outputs[<path>--...] e.g.:

run: npm publish --workflow packages/my-module
if: ${{ steps.release.outputs['packages/my-module--release_created'] }}

How release please works

Release Please automates CHANGELOG generation, the creation of GitHub releases, and version bumps for your projects. Release Please does so by parsing your git history, looking for Conventional Commit messages, and creating release PRs.

What's a Release PR?

Rather than continuously releasing what's landed to your default branch, release-please maintains Release PRs:

These Release PRs are kept up-to-date as additional work is merged. When you're ready to tag a release, simply merge the release PR.

How should I write my commits?

Release Please assumes you are using Conventional Commit messages.

The most important prefixes you should have in mind are:

  • fix: which represents bug fixes, and correlates to a SemVer patch.
  • feat: which represents a new feature, and correlates to a SemVer minor.
  • feat!:, or fix!:, refactor!:, etc., which represent a breaking change (indicated by the !) and will result in a SemVer major.

Supporting multiple release branches

release-please has the ability to target not default branches. You can even use separate release strategies (release-type). To configure, simply configure multiple workflows that specify a different target-branch:

Configuration for main (default) branch (.github/workflows/release-main.yaml):

      - main
      - 1.x
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
          release-type: node
          # The short ref name of the branch or tag that triggered
          #  the workflow run. For example, `main` or `1.x`
          target-branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}

Automating publication to npm

With a few additions, the Release Please action can be made to publish to npm when a Release PR is merged:

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
        id: release
          release-type: node
      # The logic below handles the npm publication:
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        # these if statements ensure that a publication only occurs when
        # a new release is created:
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: 12
          registry-url: ''
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
      - run: npm ci
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
      - run: npm publish
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.NPM_TOKEN}}
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}

So that you can keep 2FA enabled for npm publications, we recommend setting registry-url to your own Wombat Dressing Room deployment.

Creating major/minor tags

If you are using release-please to publish a GitHub action, you will likely want to tag a major and minor tag during a release, i.e., if you are releasing v2.8.3, you will also want to update tags v2 and v2.8. This allows your users to pin to v2, and get updates to your library without updating their workflows.

The release-please-action has the outputs major, minor, and release_created to facilitate this. These outputs can be used conditionally, like so:

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
        id: release
          release-type: node
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: tag major and minor versions
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
        run: |
          git config github-actions[bot]
          git config 41898282+github-actions[bot]
          git remote add gh-token "https://${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
          git tag -d v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }} || true
          git tag -d v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }} || true
          git push origin :v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }} || true
          git push origin :v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }} || true
          git tag -a v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }} -m "Release v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}"
          git tag -a v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }} -m "Release v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }}"
          git push origin v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}
          git push origin v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }}

Attaching files to the GitHub release

You can attach additional files, such as release artifacts, to the GitHub release that is created. The gh CLI tool, which is installed on all runners, can be used for this.

This example uses the gh tool to attach the file ./artifact/

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
        id: release
          release-type: node
      - name: Upload Release Artifact
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        run: gh release upload ${{ steps.release.outputs.tag_name }} ./artifact/

Upgrading from v3 to v4


If you were setting the command option, you will likely need to modify your configuration.

Command New Configuration Description
github-release skip-github-pull-request: true This command was used for only tagging releases. Now we tell release-please to skip opening release PRs.
release-pr skip-github-release: true This command was used for only opening release PRs. Now we tell release-please to skip tagging releases.
manifest do not set release-type option This command told release-please to use a manifest config file. This is now the default behavior unless you explicitly set a release-type.
manifest-pr skip-github-release: true and do not set release-type option This command told release-please to use a manifest config file and only open the pull reuqest.

Package options

If you were previously configuring advanced options via GitHub action inputs, you will need to configure via the release-please manifest configuration instead. Below, you can see a mapping of the old option to the new option:

Old Option New Option Notes
path $.packages The root packages field is an object where the key is the path being configured
changelog-path $.packages[path].changelog-path Package-only option
component $.packages[path].component Package-only option
package-name $.packages[path].package-name Package-only option
always-link-local $.always-link-local Root-only option
bootstrap-sha $.bootstrap-sha Root-only option
commit-search-depth $.commit-search-depth Root-only option
group-pull-request-title-pattern $.group-pull-request-title-pattern Root-only option
last-release-sha $.last-release-sha Root-only option
plugins $.plugins Root-only option
release-search-depth $.release-search-depth Root-only option
sequential-calls $.sequential-calls Root-only option
skip-labeling $.skip-labeling Root-only option
signoff $.signoff Root-only option
bump-minor-pre-major $.bump-minor-pre-major or $.packages[path].bump-minor-pre-major Root or per-package option
bump-patch-for-minor-pre-major $.bump-path-for-minor-pre-major or $.packages[path].bump-path-for-minor-pre-major Root or per-package option
changelog-host $.changelog-host or $.packages[path].changelog-host Root or per-package option
changelog-notes-type $.changelog-type or $.packages[path].changelog-type Root or per-package option
changelog-types $.changelog-sections or $.packages[path].changelog-sections Root or per-package option
extra-files $.extra-files or $.packages[path].extra-files Root or per-package option
include-v-in-tag $.include-v-in-tag or $.packages[path].include-v-in-tag Root or per-package option
labels $.label or $.packages[path].label Root or per-package option
monorepo-tags $.include-component-in-tag or $.packages[path].include-component-in-tag Root or per-package option
prerelease $.prerelease or $.packages[path].prerelease Root or per-package option
pull-request-header $.pull-request-header or $.packages[path].pull-request-header Root or per-package option
pull-request-title-pattern $.pull-request-title-pattern or $.packages[path].pull-request-title-pattern Root or per-package option
release-as $.release-as or $.packages[path].release-as Root or per-package option
release-labels $.release-label or $.packages[path].release-label Root or per-package option
release-type $.release-type or $.packages[path].release-type Root or per-package option
separate-pull-requests $.separate-pull-requests or $.packages[path].separate-pull-requests Root or per-package option
skip-github-release $.skip-github-release or $.packages[path].skip-github-release Root or per-package option
snapshot-labels $.snapshot-label or $.packages[path].snapshot-label Root or per-package option
tag-separator $.tag-separator or $.packages[path].tag-separator Root or per-package option
version-file $.version-file or $.packages[path].version-file Root or per-package option
versioning-strategy $.versioning or $.packages[path].versioning Root or per-package option


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