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GitHub Action

PR Lint


PR Lint

This action makes sure PR titles are linted with commitlint and project management issue keys


One issue key: fix(deps): issue-123: fixing deps

Multiple issue keys: fix(deps): issue-123, key-1234: fixing deps


- uses: henrygriffiths/pr_lint@v3
    # Required
    # Issue Key used in project management system
    # If multiple keys are used, separate via comma (eg: keya,keyb)
    issuekey: ''
    # Optional
    # Manually provide PR title via actions
    # Default: ${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}
    prtitle: ''
    # Optional
    # Manually provide types (comma separated)
    # Default: 'build,ci,chore,docs,feat,fix,perf,refactor,revert,style,task,test'
    types: ''
    # Optional
    # Allow linting to pass when no issue key is provided
    # Default: true
    allownokey: true
    # Optional
    # Word used when no issue key is provided
    # Default: none
    nokeyword: ''


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