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GitHub Action

Dart/Flutter Package Analyzer


Dart/Flutter Package Analyzer


Dart/Flutter Package Analyzer

Performs static analysis, linting, formatting, to compute the Pub score of your Dart/Flutter package


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Dart/Flutter Package Analyzer

uses: axel-op/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in axel-op/dart-package-analyzer

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Dart/Flutter package analyzer

This action uses the pana (Package ANAlysis) package to compute the score that your Dart or Flutter package will have on the Pub site, and posts it as a commit comment, with suggestions for improvements.

This package, amongst other things:

  • checks code formatting with dartfmt or flutter format (detected automatically),
  • validates the code by performing static analysis with dartanalyzer,
  • checks for outdated dependencies,
  • validates the pubscpec.yaml file (dependencies, description's length...),
  • checks for required files (CHANGELOG, README, example folder...)
  • ...



You must include the actions/checkout step in your workflow. Here's an example:

name: Workflow example
on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1 # required
      - uses: axel-op/dart_package_analyzer@stable
          # Required:
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # Optional:
          maxScoreToComment: 99.99
          relativePath: 'packages/mypackage/'
  • githubToken input is required to post a comment on GitHub.
  • Use maxScoreToComment if you only want to have a comment if your score is lower than this. If you don't specify it, a comment will be posted for every commit that triggers the workflow. In this example, a comment won't be posted if the score is above 99.99, that is, if it equals 100.
  • If your package isn't at the root of the repository, use relativePath to indicate its location.