protractor-helpers is a layer on top of protractor which abstracts commonly used test code into cleaner methods.
npm install protractorhelpers --save-dev
In your protractor.config.js
function, require the module
onPrepare: function(){
var helpers = require( 'protractorhelpers' );
//Append to GLOBAL object
GLOBAL.$model = helpers.$model;
GLOBAL.$first = helpers.$first;
GLOBAL.expectText = helpers.expectText;
GLOBAL.expectUrl = helpers.expectUrl;
GLOBAL.waitForAlertText = helpers.waitForAlertText;
$model( model )
returns the model
$first( selector )
returns first element that matches selector
expectText( selector, text )
asserts if text inside element is equal to the given string
expectUrl( url )
asserts current url contains string
waitForAlertText( expectedAlertText )
Waits for browser alert which contains the specified text then dismisses the alert
it('should wait for alert that contains "Success!"', function(){
it('should contain text "Welcome!"', function(){
expectText( '.Header-name', 'Welcome!');