the point of this is NOT to make yourself look good again. it is to address what you did wrong, why it's wrong, and that you apologize to those you have hurt or wronged
EXAMPLE: You said something racist
"I just wanna say im not racist/sexist/homophobic/etc" WRONG. there's a reason why u did/said what you did/said. DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF. This is an apology, not a rebutle
"I was just drunk at the time/going through some trauma/im neurodivergent" WRONG. There is no excuse for what you did or said. DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF.
"There is no excuse for what i did and im sorry" CORRECT! You DO NOT want to try to get people to think you're a good person. You want to admit and address what you did or said. whether or not you're good depends on the apologees
remember you DID do something wrong and YOU DID affect people. Admit to it.
"I apologize if i offended/hurt/affected anyone" WRONG. there is no "if". you DID.
"I apologize for offending/hurting/affecting you" ALSO WRONG. you aren't in the wrong for making people upset. you're wrong for the action that you did
"I'm sorry you feel hurt/offended for what i did/said" HELLA WRONG. This puts the accountablilty on the victim.
"I apologize for [insert wrongdoing here]. I now know it [*reason why wrong doing is bad]." CORRECT. Not only did you awknowlege your action, you stated why what you did was wrong.
*reason should never be "it offends/upsets people".
you cannot do this step until you have done the 1st two.
For example, if you said something anti-black and have done the 1st steps, uplift some black voices, share some resources to help black people in need. even if it'll change your feed, do it! Show that you care.
- NEVER ASK FOR FORGIVENESS (never expect forgiveness. apologize anyway because you aren't looking for forgiveness remember ;P)
- KEEP IT AS SERIOUS BUT GENUINE AS POSSIBLE (no joking talk. take this slash srs. don't talk like a resume tho. keep it slash gen)
- DON'T USE TWITLONGER. USE TWITTER THREADS (ive seen better results from threads)
(white guy: sorry for n word
other white guy: it's ok!
white guy: you are not in the position to forgive me. you weren't affected