- Should be possible to sign up
- Should be possible to sign in
- Should be possible to fetch the profile of the authenticated user
- Should be possible to fetch the total of check-ins
- Should be possible to fetch the check-ins history
- Should be possible to get the near gym (until 10 kilometers)
- Should be possible to fetch the gym by name
- Should be possible to do a check-in
- Should be possible to validate the check-in of the user
- Should be possible to create a gym
- The user can't sign up with e-mail already used
- The user can't do check-in more than once in the same day
- The user can't do check-in more than 100m of the gym
- The check-in just can be validate until 20 minutes after were created
- The check-in just can be validate by an administrator
- The gym just can be register by an administrator
- The user password should be encrypted
- The data of the application should be storage in PostgreSQL
- Whole the list should be paginated with 20 items per page
- The user should be identified by a JW (JSON Web Token)