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React ToDo App


Implement simple TODO app working as described below.

If you are not sure about how a feature should work just open the real TodoApp and look how it works there



  1. Implement TodoApp component with an input field to create new todos on submit (Enter). Each item should have:
    • id - unique identifier (+new Date() is good enough)
    • title - the text of a todo
    • completed - current status (false by default)
  2. Show the number of not completed todos in TodoApp
  3. Implement TodoList component to display a list of todos
    <TodoList items={todos} />
  4. Implement TodoItem component with ability to toggle the completed status.
    • move the li tag inside the TodoItem
    • add class completed if todo is completed
  5. Add ability to toggle the completed status of all the todos.
    • toggleAll checkbox is active only if all the todos are completed
    • if you click the checkbox all the items should be marked as comlpeted/not completed depending on toggleAll status
  6. Create TodosFilter component to switch between all/active/completed todos (add it to the App)
    • Use constants instead of just strings (for example FILTERS.all)
  7. Add ability to remove an item.
  8. Add ability to clear completed - remove all completed items from the list.
    • It should be visible if there is at least 1 completed item in the list.
  9. Hide everything except the input to add new todo if there are no todos. But not if todos are just filtered out.
  10. Make inline editing for the TODO item
    • double click on the TODO title makes it editable (just add a class editing to a li)
    • DON'T add htmlFor to the label!!!
    • Enter saves changes
    • Ecs cancels editing
    • Todo title can't be empty!
    • (*) save changes onBlur
  11. Save state of the APP to the localStorage (Required theory)
    • use JSON.stringify before saving and JSON.parse on reading


(*) Advanced tasks (Optional)

Implement saving the todos in the API.

BEFORE you started:

  1. Create a user by sending a POST request to the /users.
  2. Save the userId in your code and use it for all the future request where it is required


  1. Load a user from /users/:userId and show your name on the page
  2. Load all the todos from /todos and filter them by userId to show only your todos in the App
  3. Save new todos by sending POST request to /todos (don't forget to add userId)
    • use JSON.stringify when sending a body
    • Think what to do in case of a server error (at least notify the user)
  4. Delete the todo by sending DELETE to /todos/:todoId
  5. Toggle completed status or rename the todo by sending PATCH to the /todos/:todoId
    • you can send only changed fields (completed of title)
  6. Implement toggleAll functionality (try to send as few requests as possible)
  7. Implement clear completed sending as few requests as possible

If you want to implement styles yourself

  • Font: 'helvetica neue'
  • Font sizes to use: 100px, 24px, 14px
  • implement arrow by rotating '❯' symbol
  • Use '✕' symbol to remove TODO item on hover
  • checked
  • unchecked