An ElasticSearch availability and performance monitoring plugin for Nagios.
This plugin works by submitting API requests to a local or remote
ElasticSearch server. ElasticSearch servers will respond to these API
requests by default. If yours don't, check that you have not set
to false
This plugin may be used to monitor ElasticSearch data and proxy nodes.
It is important that you run one instance of this plugin for each data
node in your ElasticSearch cluster. Certain failure modes that can be
localised to a particular data node will not be reported by unaffected
data or proxy nodes.
ElasticSearch defines its own thresholds for 'green', 'yellow', and 'red'. Most other ElasticSearch monitoring plugins simply take this 'health colour' and map it directly to a Nagios check status (OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL, respectively). While that approach will work (insofar as it will report a problem that ElasticSearch has detected), an operator is going to need more information to narrow a real problem down to its root cause. ('Why is my cluster yellow?')
This monitoring plugin requests detailed operational data from ElasticSearch and uses that information to derive its own 'health colour'. If our health colour concurs with ElasticSearch's health colour, then we can be reasonably sure we know what is wrong with the cluster and may report that problem to the operator.
pip install
check_elasticsearch [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
A comma-separated list of ElasticSearch attributes
that make up your cluster's failure domain[0]. This
should be the same list of attributes that
ElasticSearch's location-aware shard allocator has
been configured with. If this option is supplied,
additional checks are carried out to ensure that
primary and replica shards are not stored in the same
failure domain.
-H HOST, --host=HOST Hostname or network address to probe. The
ElasticSearch API should be listening here. Defaults
to 'localhost'.
-m MASTER_NODES, --master-nodes=MASTER_NODES
Issue a warning if the number of master-eligible nodes
in the cluster drops below this number. By default,
do not monitor the number of nodes in the cluster.
-p PORT, --port=PORT TCP port to probe. The ElasticSearch API should be
listening here. Defaults to 9200.
-y YELLOW_CRITICAL, --yellow-critical=TRUE
Instead of issuing a 'warning' for a yellow cluster
state, issue a 'critical' alert. Allows for greater
control of alerting for clusters that may be of
greater sensitivity (or fragility). Defaults to False.
- Python 2.5 (with simplejson), 2.6, or 2.7
- pynagioscheck
Compatible with elasicSearch 5.x