Software that detects chiasmus (i.e., First shouId be last, last should be first).
python myStanfordParsedFile.xml myOutput.xml
python exampleTrue.xml output.xml
xsltproc annotationDoc.xsl output.xml > userFriendlyOutput.txt
If you are running all or part of this code please cite:
"Marie Dubremetz and Joakim Nivre (2017); Machine Learning for Rhetorical Figure Detection: More Chiasmus with Less Annotation In: Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2017)."
Note that the license is like the Stanford CoreNLP: it is the full GPL , which allows many free uses, but not its use in proprietary software which is distributed to others. For distributors of proprietary software, for commercial licensing contact Marie Dubremetz. github: mardub1635 email:[email protected]
You may cite the papers related to the version of the parser you use (Stanford CoreNLP) and NLTK or other packages used in the code.