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This is a list of useful Kubernetes commands used during my preparation for the CKAD certification


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This is a list of useful Kubernetes commands used during my prepartion for the CKAD certification.

Exam topics and weights

  • Core Concepts - 13%
  • Configuration - 18%
  • Multi-container pods - 10%
  • Observability - 18%
  • Pod design - 20%
  • Services & networking - 13%
  • State persistence - 8%

Linux alias:

  • export ns={namespace-name}
  • alias k='kubectl -n $ns'

Set context:

  • kubectl config get-contexts
  • kubectl config current-context
  • kubectl config use-context {context-name}

Help command:

  • kubectl create pod -h
  • kubectl create deployment -h


  • kubectl run {pod-name} --image=nginx --restart=Never --labels=env=prod (Pod)
  • kubectl run {deployment-name} --image=nginx --replicas=3 (Deployment)
  • kubectl run {replica-set-name} --generator=run/v1 --image=alpine (ReplicaSet)
  • kubectl run {job-name} --image=job --restart=OnFailure (Job)
  • kubectl run {cron-job-name} --image=cron --restart=OnFailure --schedule="*/1 * * * *" (CronJob)

Export configuration to file:

  • kubectl get pod {pod-name} -o yaml > pod.yaml
  • kubectl get deployment {deployment-name} -o yaml > deploy.yaml
  • kubectl get service {service-name} -o yaml > service.yaml

Export configuration without create resource (dry-run):

  • kubectl run {pod-name} --image=nginx --restart=Never dry-run -o yaml > pod.yaml
  • kubectl run {deployment-name} --image=nginx --replicas=3 dry-run -o yaml > deploy.yaml

Apply configuration from a file:

  • kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

Create a service:

  • kubectl create clusterip {service-name} --tcp=8080:80
  • kubectl create svc nodeport {service-name} --tcp=8080:80

Expose an application:

  • kubectl expose pod {pod-name} --type=ClusterIp --name={service-name} --port=80
  • kubectl expose deploy {pod-name} --type=NodePort --name={service-name} --port=80 --target-port=8080

Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to a ReplicaSet:

  • kubectl autoscale rs {replica-set-name} --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=80

Create a DaemonSet (it creates one copy of the pody per node in the cluster):

  • kubectl create clusterip {service-name} --tcp=8080:80
  • kubectl create svc nodeport {service-name} --tcp=8080:80

Create configMap:

  • kubectl create cm {config-map-name} --from-literal=keyValue=ValueABC

Add the value to an existing config map:

  • kubectl edit cm {config-map-name} (add the new value in the data section)

Create secret:

  • kubectl create secret generic {secret-name} --from-literal=keyValue=ValueABC

For check the secret value generated:

  • echo -n 'ValueABC' | base64
  • echo -n 'VmFsdWVBQkM=' | base64 --decode

Get logs:

  • kubectl logs -f {pod-name}
  • kubectl logs -f {pod-name} {container-name} (MultiPod Container)
  • kubectl logs -f {pod-name} > logs.log (Export the logs to file)

Deployments commands (strategy types Recriate or RollingUpdate):

  • kubectl scale deploy {deployment-name} --replicas=7
  • kubectl set-image deploy {deployment-name} container-name=nginx:v1.1.1
  • kubectl rollout history deploy {deployment-name}
  • kubectl rollout status deploy {deployment-name}
  • kubectl rollout undo deploy {deployment-name}
  • kubectl rollout undo deploy {deployment-name} --to-revision=2

Execute command in the pod:

  • kubectl exec -it {pod-name} -- env (Print all environment variables)
  • kubectl exec -it {pod-name} -- /bin/sh -c 'echo test'
  • kubectl exec -it {pod-name} -- cat /etc/apt/log-test.log

Get infos about resources:

  • kubectl get po --selector=env=dev
  • kubectl get po -o wide (details in one line)
  • kubectl deploy --show-labels
  • kubectl get po -l env=prod (filter by label)


  • kubectl label pod {pod-name} env=dev
  • kubectl label pod {pod-name} env=prod --overwrite


  • kubectl taint nodes {node-name} app_label=prod:NoSchedule


  • kubectl get rs (ReplicaSet)
  • kubectl get ds (DaemonSet)
  • kubectl describe cm (ConfigMap)
  • kubectl edit pv (PersistenceVolume)
  • kubectl delete pvc (PersistenceVolumeClaim)
  • kubectl create svc (Service)
  • kubectl get po (Pod)
  • kubectl describe no (Node)
  • kubectl get ep (Endpoint)
  • kubectl describe ing (Ingress)
  • kubectl edit ns (Namespace)
  • kubectl get netpol (NetworkPolicy)
  • kubectl edit sa (ServiceAccount)
  • kubectl delete cj (CronJob)
  • kubectl get hpa (HorizontalSclale)



This is a list of useful Kubernetes commands used during my preparation for the CKAD certification








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