Library for accessing MyFitnessPal data.
// Your custom implementation to log in and get session cookies
LoginHandler loginHandler = ...;
IMFPSession session = MFPSession.create(user, password, loginHandler);
// You can also delegate credentials to the LoginHandler and avoid passing them
IMFPSession session = MFPSession.create(loginHandler);
Since v0.4
you have to provide a LoginHandler
to get the session cookies since MFP added a captcha and broke the previous way of logging in.
Check out this example Selenium implementation
used for some basic tests.
Update: MyFitnessPal has improved its capcha verification and some other obstacles that made the Selenium approach not viable anymore.
I have made a MyFitnessPal API Server which makes use of this library and provides a REST API to access MFP data using browser cookies. It also provides a python library alternative implementation in case this one stopped working. But definitely there is no way to use this library as it was before.
Diary diary = session.toDiary();
// Get one specific day data (to fetch specific data keep reading, this way can take more time and get unnecessary data)
Day day = diary.getFullDay(date);
// Or multiple days...
List<Day> days = diary.getFullDayRange(dates);
// You can specify which data you want to fetch (WATER, FOOD_NOTES, EXERCISE_NOTES, EXERCISE or FOOD)
day = diary.getDay(date, Diary.FOOD, Diary.FOOD_NOTES, Diary.WATER);
// Same applies for multi-day queries
days = diary.getDayRange(dates, Diary.EXERCISE, Diary.EXERCISE_NOTES);
// Fetch water amount or food notes individually
int water = diary.getWater(date);
String notes = diary.getFoodNotes(date);
// Do the same thing with (adding Diary.FOOD_NOTES and Diary.WATER)
water = day.getWater();
notes = day.getFoodNotes();
// Make sure you set FOOD parameter when fetching in order to do the following...
// Get day meals
DiaryMeal dinner = day.getMeals().get(2);
String name = dinner.getName(); // "Dinner" or whatever your third meal name is
// Get day nutrients
float carbs = dinner.get(FoodValues.CARBOHYDRATES);
float calcium = dinner.get(FoodValues.CALCIUM);
// Get food info
dinner.getFood().forEach(food -> {
String name = food.getName();
String brand = food.getBrand();
String unit = food.getUnit();
float amnt = food.getAmount();
float energy = food.getEnergy();
// You can also fetch food nutrients
float protein = food.get(FoodValues.PROTEIN);
Use Day
to check fetched exercise data too:
// Make sure you set EXERCISE parameter when fetching...
Day day = diary.getDay(date, Diary.EXERCISE);
// Check exercise notes (adding Diary.EXERCISE_NOTES on fetch)
String exerciseNotes = day.getExerciseNotes();
List<CardioExercise> cardioExercises = day.getCardioExercises();
List<StrengthExercise> strengthExercises = day.getStrengthExercises();
day.getCardioExercises().forEach(cardioExercise -> {
String name = cardioExercise.getName();
float energy = cardioExercise.getEnergy();
int duration = cardioExercise.getDuration();
day.getStrengthExercises().forEach(strengthExercise -> {
String name = strengthExercise.getName();
int quantity = strengthExercise.getQuantity(); // weight * repetitions
int sets = strengthExercise.getSets();
int repetitions = strengthExercise.getRepetitions();
float weight = strengthExercise.getWeight();
Check user data and settings using UserData
UserData userData = session.toUser();
String energyUnit = userData.getUnit(Unit.ENERGY); // calories
String weightUnit = userData.getUnit(Unit.WEIGHT); // kg
List<String> meals = userData.getMealNames(); // ["Breakfast", "Launch"...]
List<String> trackedNutrients = userData.getTrackedNutrients(); // ["carbohydrates", "fat"...]
String email = userData.getEmail();