This repository contains files necessary for building OpenLDAP on Windows. Currently this only builds the liblber, libldap, and libldap_r static libraries and DLLs.
OpenLDAP cannot currently be built on Windows without applying patches, but I am working on getting them commited upstream for inclusion in future releases.
Submitted upstream as ITS#7358, commited for inclusion in 2.4.33.
Submitted upstream as ITS#7332, commited for inclusion in 2.4.32.
The files in this repository should be placed into the OpenLDAP source tree and the build invoked by:
copy include\lber_types.nt include\lber_types.h
copy include\ldap_config.nt include\ldap_config.h
copy include\ldap_features.nt include\ldap_features.h
copy include\portable.nt include\portable.h
nmake -f PREFIX=C:\openldap buildall installall