Repository containing the optimization and source open code of several sensor fusion algorithms for estimating the orientation based on inertial and magnetic sensing
Authors: Marco Caruso ([email protected]) PolitoBIOMed Lab – Biomedical Engineering Lab and Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy; Last modified: 31/01/2020
This repository contains the following folders and script.
- SFA: open MATLAB function of each sensor fusion algorithm;
- Optimization codes: function to compute the absolute orientation errors for each unit. The orientation is computed with all the combination of parameters given as input;
- function_utilities: includes some MATLAB functions helpful for the algorithms.
When using these codes, please cite: M. Caruso, A. M. Sabatini, D. Laidig, T. Seel, M. Knaflitz, U. Della Croce, and A. Cereatti, “Analysis of the Accuracy of Ten Algorithms for Orientation Estimation Using Inertial and Magnetic Sensing under Optimal Conditions: One Size Does Not Fit All,” Sensors, vol. 21, no. 7, p. 2543, Apr. 2021.