This repository hosts a curated collection of datasets focused on spoken Italian. The collection is maintained as a Google Sheet to provide easy access and encourage contributions.
- Rich Metadata: Information about dataset sources, sizes, formats, licenses, and more.
- Interactive Access: Explore the collection interactively via a Jupyter Notebook.
- Community Contributions: Open to contributions for adding or updating datasets.
- Name
- Publisher/Promoter
- Size: number of hours, dimension in *byte,...
- Format: encoding, meta-file availability...
- Source and Context: broadcast media, Telephone speech, Social Media & Online Platforms, Field Recordings...
- Type of Speech: conversational, monologues, spontaneous, read...
- Regional Varieties: dialects, idioms...
- Socioinguistic variations: age, gender, socio-economic status.
- Multilingual Corpus: if belongs to wider multilingual corpora.
- Data Collection: Characteristics of data collection process.
- Recording Methods: mic tech, sampling rate, bit depth, environment control.
- Participant Selection: age, region, language proficiency.
- Transcription Standard: orthographic, phonetic...
- Annotation Levels: Lexical, syntactic, prosodic...
- Tools and Software Used
- Quality Control and Validation: data quality, consistency, reliability
- Availability: type of access, if open or restricted. Type of license.
- Paper
- Other
The full collection is available at this link:
A suitable query interface will be realized soon!
This repository contains two types of content, each with its own licensing:
- Code and Scripts: Licensed under the MIT License.
- Dataset Collection: The Google Sheet and associated metadata are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
By using or contributing to this repository, you agree to abide by the respective licenses.
Contributions are welcome! To add a new dataset to the collection:
- Fork this repository.
- Add your dataset details to the Google Sheet or propose edits via GitHub Issues.
- Submit a pull request.
See for more details.
If you use this collection in your work, please cite it as: [Giordano M., Rinaldi C.]. "Spoken Italian Datasets Collection." GitHub, 2024.
Thanks to all contributors and the community for supporting open data in spoken language research.