Crowdr is a extremely flexible tool for managing multiple Docker containers.
- pure bash - too much boilerplate code
- make - even more boilerplate code
- lack of variables
- options support is always behind actual docker version
restarts containers in wrong order- hasslefree replacement for non x86/x86_64 architectures
image: ubuntu
command: sleep infinity
- server
image: ubuntu
command: sleep infinity
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating test_server_1...
Creating test_client_1...
First start is ok. Server started before a client.
$ docker-compose up -d
Recreating test_server_1...
Recreating test_client_1...
As you can see, server recreated first. It means that client will loose the connection.
To avoid that we need to use this order:
- stop client
- stop server
- recreate & start server
- recreate & start client
# curl -s > /usr/local/bin/crowdr
# curl -s > /etc/bash_completion.d/crowdr
crowdr version
- prints current crowdr version
crowdr run
- (default) runs all containers
crowdr build
- builds all images
crowdr stop
- stops all containers
crowdr start
- starts all containers
crowdr restart
- stops all containers and starts them again
crowdr kill
- kills all containers
crowdr rm
- removes all stopped containers from current config
crowdr rmi
- removes all not otherwise used images contained in current config
crowdr ps
- shows running containers from current config
crowdr ip
- shows IP addresses of running containers from current config
crowdr shell foo
- start bash shell inside foo
crowdr exec foo ls
- run ls
inside foo
echo 111 | crowdr pipe foo tr 1 2
- pipe data to tr 1 2
command inside foo
crowdr stats
- shows stats
- crowdr sources
and read stdout - blank lines are ignored
- lines starting with
are ignored. - you can override config filename using
variable (CROWDR_CFG=~/foo/bar/ crowdr
) - you can enable debug mode using
variable (CROWDR_TRACE=1 crowdr |& less
) - review planned commands without executing them using
variable (CROWDR_DRY=1 crowdr |& less
) - containers run in the order as in config, stop in reversed
Sample .crowdr/
HOST="$(tr -d '-' <<< $HOSTNAME)"
echo "
global project ${USER}_${HOST}_myproject
mysql build docker/mysql
mysql hostname $PREFIX-mysql
mysql volume $PWD/mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
apache build docker/apache
apache hostname $PREFIX-apache
apache memory 5g
apache link mysql
apache volume $PWD:/var/www
apache env-file config.env
- bash support
- full
docker run
options support
global project myproject
Global option for name of project. All container names will be silently prefixed with this name and separator char. If it is not set current directory name used.
global project_sep "_"
Separator string used after project name. If it is not set _
is used.
For example for following configuration all containers will be prefixed with myproj-
global project myproj
global project_sep "-"
- path to a directory containing a Dockerfile
container_name build some/path
- image name. If image doesn't exists docker will try to download it.
container_name image ubuntu:14.04
- overrides CMD
from Dockerfile/image
container_name command tail -f /dev/null
Format is following
container_name option value
Every crowdr command can be extended.
Lets say you want to pull in some Dockerfiles from remote repositories before running crowdr build
$ mkdir .crowdr/hooks
$ echo 'echo pulling repos' > .crowdr/hooks/build.before
$ echo 'git clone' >> .crowdr/hooks/build.before
$ echo 'git clone' >> .crowdr/hooks/build.before
$ chmod 755 .crowdr/hooks/*
$ crowdr build
pulling repos
Crowdr detects both .before
and .after
-hooks of each crowdr command.
- partial build/run/stop
- build --no-cache
- --volumes-from
- external links