Objective-C Reflection Framework adds Java like reflections to Objective-C.
Objective-C Reflection Framework makes it possible to:
- Describes all instance variables declared by a class;
- Get/sets the value of any (private/public) instance variable in an object at runtime;
- Copy non NSCopying objects.
#import <MOReflection.h>
@interface Foo : NSObject
@implementation Foo
int _myVeryPrivateInstanceVariable;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"_myVeryPrivateInstanceVariable = %d",_myVeryPrivateInstanceVariable];
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
//Show all (public/private) Foo instance variables
MOClass *fooClass = [MOClass classWithClassName:@"Foo"];
for(MOVariable *var in [fooClass instanceVariables]){
//Dynamically allocate memory for fooClass object
Foo *foo = [[fooClass allocateInstance] init];
//Get PRIVATE ivar
MOVariable *privateVariable = [[foo moClass] instanceVariable:@"_myVeryPrivateInstanceVariable"];
//Modify private ivar
[privateVariable setIntValue:13 forObject:foo];
//Copy non NSCopying object
Foo *foo2 = MOCopyObject(foo);
return 0;