Build example action
./gradlew examples:action:jar
Create action
wsk action update exampleAction examples/action/build/libs/action.jar --main example.SampleVertxAction --docker ${user_prefix}/vertx35action
Run the action
wsk action invoke --result exampleAction --param name World
"greeting": "Hello World from Vert.x!"
./gradlew examples:webAction:jar
Create action
wsk action update exampleWebAction examples/webAction/build/libs/webAction.jar --main example.SampleVertxWebAction --docker ${user_prefix}/vertx35action --web true
Get the URL of the web action
wsk action get exampleWebAction --url
ok: got action exampleWebAction
Set a request for an action
curl -i http://<WSK_URL>/api/v1/web/guest/default/exampleWebAction
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Request-ID: Wm2qsq15gwz8WXFhM4blprPv5iVFMTd5
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, HEAD, PATCH
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type
Set-Cookie: UserID=Jane; Max-Age=3600; Version=
Set-Cookie: SessionID=asdfgh123456; Path=/
Server: akka-http/10.1.1
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 09:23:43 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 40
./gradlew core:vertx35:distDocker
This will produce the image whisk/vertx35action
Build and Push image
docker login
./gradlew core:vertx35:distDocker -PdockerImagePrefix=${prefix-user}
Install dependencies from the root directory on $OPENWHISK_HOME repository
./gradlew install
Using gradle to run all tests
./gradlew :tests:test
Using gradle to run some tests
./gradlew :tests:test --tests *ActionContainerTests*
Using IntelliJ:
- Import project as gradle project.
- Make sure working directory is root of the project/repo
To use as docker action push to your own dockerhub account
docker tag whisk/vertx35action ${user_prefix}/vertx35action
docker push ${user_prefix}/vertx35action
Then create the action using your the image from dockerhub
wsk action update helloVertx hello.jar --main HelloVertx --docker ${user_prefix}/vertx35action
The ${user_prefix}
is usually your dockerhub user id.