M E 369P - Team 4 - Short n' Clean Allen Hewson, Brenda Miltos, Marcie Legarde, Pranay Srivastava
This repository includes all of the files needed to produce a dataset to train a model to allow a user to play a game of rock paper scissors with a computer. The game includes an easy and a hard mode, where easy bases the computer hand off of random choice, and hard gets the computer to cheat.
- gather_data.py This file captures image data for use in training a model to recognize a hand playing rock paper scissors Note: you will have to adjust the file paths to a location in your local directory
- edge_detection.py This file uses the images collected from gather_data.py and prepares new images to train the model using edge detection
- EdgeDetectionModelTraining.ipynb - Google Colab. You can use it here: This file trains a model based on the images produced from edge_detection.py Note: the file path must match the file path you generated in your local directory
- recognize_edge.py This file is used to test the model generated by EdgeDetectionModelTraining.ipynb.
- RPSEnv.py This file is used to generate an environment for reinforcement learning.
- main.py This file connects the backend for the model and reinforcement learning to the GUI for a game of rock paper scissors (Cow, Snake, Bird)
- Rock_Paper_Scissors folder This folder contains files ready to play a game of rock paper scissors Note: the model for these files is not as good as the model set up for Cow Snake Bird
- Clone Repository
- Either download our model (BCS.h5) or:
- Create your own using gather_data.py
- Run produced images through edge_detection.py
- Train your model with EdgeDetectionModel Google Colab
- Test model in BCSRecognize.py to test
- Use .h5 file in main.py