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This is an application for erlang/otp suited to monitor asterisk installations.

A PHP version is available at
A NodeJs version is available at

It has 1 top-level supervisor that spawns a worker for each one of the asterisk
boxes you configure.

erlami is under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file
for more details.

See rel/files/sys.config for an example configuration. Here's a snippet:
{erlami, [
    {servers, [
        {asterisk1, [                 % The server name is an atom
            {connection, {erlami_tcp_connection, [
                {host, ""}, {port, 5038}
            {username, "username"},
            {secret, "secret"}
        {asterisk2, [
            {connection, {erlami_tcp_connection, [
                {host, ""}, {port, 5039}
            {username, "username"},
            {secret, "secret"}

Listening for events
    ServerName, {fun event_callback/2, fun(_) -> true end}

The 1st argument is the server name configured in the application, meaning
you are interested in listening for events coming in from that specific server.

The 2nd argument is a fun, which is called for every event received. This
fun should accept 2 arguments, a servername (atom) and the event. You can
manipulate the event with the functions in the erlami_message module.

The 3rd argument is the predicate, which will receive the event so it can
process it, returning true or false. The event_callback is called only if the
predicate returns true.

See src/erlami_example.erl for a detailed example.

Filtering Events
You can use the predicate to filter which events you want to listen for. For
example, this will only listen for events that *are not* DTMF:

    ServerName, {
        fun event_callback/2,
        fun(Event) ->
            {ok, Value} = erlami_message:get(Event, "event"),
            Value =/= "DTMF" end

Sending actions
Action = erlami_message:new_action("CoreShowChannels"),
erlami_client:send_action(ServerName, Action, fun response_callback/2).

The response_callback is invoked when the response for the action is received.
The 1st argument passed to it is the response itself, and the 2nd argument is
the list of associated events for that response.

See src/erlami_example.erl for a detailed example.

erlami is the name of the included OTP application. Just start is as
any other application, like:

1> application:start(erlami).

The application will start a supervisor, that has 1 supervisor per configured
asterisk server.

Just type make in the top level directory. The .beam files will
be generated in the ebin/ directory. The Makefile contains the correct
rebar commands to run.