This is just a basic simple mobile web application, it should be displayed on computer, and any mobile device. It is for managing task of a given project. In this project we are using the following web technologies:
- HTML5 providing specifics tag and supported by mobiles browsers.
- CSS3 with its media queries witch alows us to make responsive design
- Javascript, jquery and jquery mobile witch is an excellent Framework for mobile application
- requireJS, an API allowing to handle module loading and to optimise the browser use,
- renderJS, API for rendering gadgets. A gadget is just a pure HTML5 file, including CSS and JS files
- JIO, API for managing documents in JSON format in the local or foreign storage. TIP: No server language is used, JSON data are store in the HTML5 localStore.
Task manager is an application providing the following functionalities:
- Display a list of task for one project
- Display a list of project within the corresponding tasks
- Create, update and remove a task
- Filtern a list of task about (title, dates, state)
Two way provided to test the application(No easy):
Using the browser
Just click on the above Download zip button or just click download sources and unzip the folder in you localhost and run in your browser. To have a mobile effect, you can resize your browser sceen from bigger to smaller resolution and see how the application is displayed. If y are using firefox newer version,just select Tool > Web developper > Responsible design view. Shortcut: Ctrl+ALT+M.
Directely downloading via your mobile device(very easy): Follow this link download page and select the cersion supporte by your mobile OS, download and install On the mobile.
- Firefox: 3.5
- Chrome: 4+
- Internet Explorer: 8+
- Safari: 4+
- Opera: 10.5+
- iPhone: 2.0+
- Android: 2.0+
- and probably something else.
Many functionalities(Map, RSS reader, ...) are still to come. This is just the learning behaview.