Frontend.js is a minimalistic framework that helps who usually use jQuery library to develop site's frontend.
No more need to write thousands of line of procedural-style code, let's give a structure to our js. Frontend.js is writed in CoffeeScript to take advantage of the class notation implemented and the cleaner object structure; it only implements a semantic structure to bind code, variables and events to a specific section or page.
Using this framework you must follow some simple directives to maintain the initial purposes:
- use closures
- extend the Abstract Frontend.js object if you don't need something very different and you're confident with js implementation
- use properly the semantic inherited methods from Abstract class
Check the documentation to find more specific indications for the use and contribute the project reporting issues and proposing new features to implements.
implements a simpler method to register new objects without defining every time closure, use strict and required Abstract extension, something like
Frontend.register("key", class MyClass constructor: -> # do whatever you want super ,"#optional.selector")