An utility tool for export an url to pdf, which depend on chrome headless mode.
For client side rendered webpage. You should invoke window.__notifyPageRenderFinished()
to notify the exporter, or just wait for timeout
Constructor(options: IPDFExportOptions): ICDPClient
contstructor an exporter instance.
export({ url: string, cookies?: ICookieItem[] }): Promise
Visit the url with the given cookies.
Kill the child chrome process.
Install chrome/chromium on your system.
npm install pdf-export
const fs = require('fs'); const PDFExportor = require('pdf-export').default; const exporter = new PDFExportor({ host: 'localhost', port: 9333, chromeBin: '/Applications/Google Chrome', timeout: 5000, }); function main() { Promise.all([ exporter.export('http://localhost:8082/test1.html').then(buffer => { fs.writeFileSync('test1.pdf', buffer); }), exporter.export('http://localhost:8082/test2.html').then(buffer => { fs.writeFileSync('test2.pdf', buffer); }), exporter.export('http://localhost:8082/test1.html').then(buffer => { fs.writeFileSync('test3.pdf', buffer); }), exporter.export('http://localhost:8082/test2.html').then(buffer => { fs.writeFileSync('test4.pdf', buffer); }), ]).then(exporter.dispose.bind(exporter), console.log) } main();
This library depend on chrome-remote-interface, which not provide typescript type definitions. So I just write a partial definitions of chrome-remote-inteface