Implementation of our HT2021 paper "Profiling Fake News Spreaders on Social Media through Psychological and Motivational Factors".
Run main.ipynb.
Train BERT on both datasets from the files 'BertTraining - Gossipcop.ipynb' and 'BertTraining - Politifact.ipynb'.
For the complete GossipCop and Politifact datasets, contact the dataset creator HERE.
For the final representation vector of the users and their labels, whether they are a fake news spreader (labeled as 1) or not (labeled as 0) you can contact the corresponding author of the paper.
title={Profiling Fake News Spreaders on Social Media through Psychological and Motivational Factors},
author={Karami, Mansooreh and Nazer, Tahora H and Liu, Huan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media},
Profiling Fake News Spreaders on Social Media through Psychological and Motivational Factors: [ACM Digital Library] [arXiv]