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IMPORTANT - Use at Your Own Risk!!!

Please note that this relay has not been subjected to a security audit, and as such, there may exist security or other vulnerabilities that have not been discovered or addressed. By using this relay, there is a risk that your or your clients' assets could be compromised. Therefore, you use this relay at your own risk.


Code Guides

USP (Unique Selling Points)

  • Use of a single process and embedded pebble database for persistence, leading to lower latency and resource usage for operations
  • Automatic archiving of submitted payloads to S3, which keeps the operation database length constant
  • Simple backup and restore process

Tech Stack

We aimed for a straightforward technology stack that is easy to manage and deploy. We chose pebble as our database due to its fast read speeds and multi threaded writes. Finally, we used go-lean to build the website, which utilizes mustache templating.


Using Dockerfile

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t mev-freelay .
docker run mev-freelay freelay -e BEACONS <prysm_beacon_url> -e BLOCK_SIM_URL <geth_url> -e SECRET_KEY <generate with keys> -e NETWORK goerli -e DB_PTH dbs/prod_db

Using binary

go build -o mev-freelay .
./mev-freelay freelay --beacons <prysm_beacon_url> --block-sim-url <geth_url> --secret-key <generate with keys> --network goerli --db-pth dbs/prod_db


go run main.go freerelay --beacons <prysm_beacon_url> --block-sim-url <geth_url> --secret-key <generate with keys> --network goerli --db-pth dbs/prod_db

Relay (Proposer, Builder, Data): http://localhost:50051 API (Website): http://localhost:50052 Prometheus: http://localhost:9000 PPROF: http://localhost:6060

Minio S3

make minio


We believe that development env should behave the same as production. This is why we are using ingress to route traffic to the local service freelay (web, relay). This is done so we can access relay|eth paths from website that are running on a different domain.

Before starting the ingress you need to make sure that the ports you use for web and relay are also used in the ingress.

# Ingress is running on PORT 50050
make ingress


go install
go install -v

Format & Lint

make fmt



make swag


Generate Keys

go run main.go keys

Backup Database to S3

It is using default AWS credentials. You can override them with AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

go run main.go backup --backup-url http://localhost:50052/api/backup --bucket <bucket>

Restore Database from S3

It is using default AWS credentials. You can override them with AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

go run main.go restore --db-pth <db_pth> --bucket <bucket>

Purge Database

Archives payloads (executed-payloads, submitted, bid-traces) that are older then 6 hours in a .tar.gz file and uploads it to S3 and deletes them from the database.

It is using default AWS credentials. You can override them with AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

go run main.go purge --archive-url http://localhost:50052/api/archive --prune-url http://localhost:50052/api/prune --bucket <bucket>

Migrate Database (bbolt -> pebble)

go run main.go migrate --bbolt-pth <bbolt_pth> --pebble-pth <pebble_pth>

Import Database (postgres -> pebble)

go run main.go import --db-pth <db_pth> --sql-uri <sql_uri> --sql-table-prefix <dev>

Builder Specs

Beacon API


  • Replace go-boost-tools with