A Clojure library to parse the TOML configuration format. Clojoml is compliant with TOML 0.1.0 (although we allow non-homogenous arrays to be consistent with Clojure's vectors and lists.
Clojoml is mostly compliant with TOML 0.1.0 and is considered stable. Clojoml does allow non-homogeneous arrays to be consistent with Clojure's vectors and lists.
user=> (require '[manicolosi.clojoml :as clojoml])
user=> (clojoml/parse "test = 123\n[group]\nsweet = \"action\"")
{"group" {"sweet" "action"}, "test" 123}
user=> (require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
user=> (pprint (with-open [rdr (io/reader "example.toml")] (clojoml/parse rdr)))
{:clients {:data [["gamma" "delta"] [1 2]]},
{:beta {:dc "eqdc10", :ip ""},
:alpha {:dc "eqdc10", :ip ""}},
{:enabled true,
:connection_max 5000,
:ports [8001 8001 8002],
:server ""},
{:dob #inst "1979-05-27T12:32:00.000-00:00",
:bio "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer.",
:organization "GitHub",
:name "Tom Preston-Werner"},
:title "TOML Example"}
is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars:
[[clojoml "0.1.0"]]
- Test with toml-test (BurntSushi's language agnostic TOML test suite)
- Clojoml's namespace moved from
- Clojoml's version will match the version of the TOML spec that is supported
- Replaced hacky regex based parser with a proper parser using parsatron
- Implement changes to TOML strings (unicode and additional escapes)
- Complete test coverage of parser
Copyright © 2013 Mark A. Nicolosi
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.