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HTTP and HTTPS requests with caching for node.js


  • Zero configuration
  • Convenience methods for GET / POST requests with parameters (querystring / request body)
  • Automatic key generation based on request signature
  • Memory and Redis adapters for cache storage


If you want to install from npm:

npm install node-request-caching

I wanted the name to be request-caching but was already taken. I'm sorry about that :)

If you want to install from git:

npm install

If you want to run tests you first have to install mocha and the from the module directory run:

npm test


You can find a simple example into examples/simple.js

var RequestCaching = require('../lib/request-caching');

// Cache into Memory
var rc = new RequestCaching();

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {
      '',  // URI
      {fields: 'id,name'},                    // query string params
      1,                                      // TTL in seconds
      function(err, res, body, cache) {
        console.log('Response', res);         // response params object (options, headers, statusCode)
        console.log('Body', body);            // response body as string
        console.log('Cache', cache);          // cache info object (hit, key)
  }, i * 1000);



Every instance has its own shared cache storage adapter.

This is the structure for the options parameter (with defaults values included):

  store: {                    // STORE config, shared among requests from the same instance
    adapter: 'memory',        // can be either memory or redis
    options: {                // any additional options for the adapter (e.g. redis config)
  request: {                  // any defaults for node HTTP.request method
    method: 'GET',
  caching: {                  // CACHING config
    ttl: 60*60,               // default TTL in seconds, used when not specified in request
    prefix: 'requestCaching'  // prefix to append before each key, if set keys will be prefix:key

request(options, callback)

Issues an HTTP / HTTPS request, optionally caching its result.

options must be an object conformig to the following schema:

  uri: 'http[s]://...',       // Optional string containing remote uri. If specified
                              // it will be used for building HTTP.request options
  params: {                   // Optional parameters that will be querystringified and
    key: 'value',             // appended to GET querystring or added to POST request body.
    ...                       // If uri contains already a query string, its param=value pairs 
                              // will be merged with params, without overwrite them
  request: {                  // HTTP.request method options
    method: 'GET',            // default request method is GET
    hostname: '...',
    port: 80,
    path: '/',
    auth: '...',
    headers: {                // If params is given, headers will contain the following:
      'key': 'value',         // 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      ...                     // 'Content-Length': querystring.stringify(params)
                              // However, if you specify them, they won't get overwritten

  caching: {                  // CACHING config (if not specified will take instance's defaults)
    ttl: 60*60,               // TTL in seconds
    prefix: 'requestCaching', // prefix to append before key, if set final key will be prefix:key
    key: '...'                // Optional parameter containing the cache key. If not specified
                              // will be autogenerated by MD5 hashing the JSON.stringify of
                              // [querystring.stringify(options.params), options.request]

callback(err, res, body, cache) gets invoked whenever error or response occurs. Function arguments are:

  • err: the error message, null if everything is ok
  • res: object containing some properties of the HTTP.response:
  options {             // The options argument of request method with additional properties 
    ...                 // resulting from mergin with defaults and from instanciating HTTP.request

	headers: {            // Response's headers
		'key': 'value',
	statusCode: ...       // Response's status code
  • body: response's body as string
  • cache: object containing some cache properties:
	hit: true/false,   // true if content was fetched from cache
	key: '...',        // the key (useful when using automatic key generation)

get(uri, params, ttl, callback)

Convenience method over request(options, callback). Issues a GET request to the given uri, adding params to the query string, storing into cache for ttl seconds, invoking callback once done (both when error or success, according to the same schema of request(options, callback). If uri already includes a query string, its value get added to params, but without overriding what's already defined in params.

post(uri, params, ttl, callback)

The same as previously mentioned get(uri, params, ttl, callback), but issuing a POST request, adding params to the request body and including the following request headers:

'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': querystring.stringify(params)

Additional notes

Right now the TTL is specified in seconds, despite the Memory adapter can work with milliseconds resolution (just pass seconds as a float number). I went for it as until Redis 2.6 will be out, the current Redis adapter can't go below seconds precision (if you do that you'll experience an error when storing the key); for consistency reasons I preferred to leave everything in seconds. In addition, Redis key's expire precision is in the order of half a second (more or less), so pay attention when storing keys with a TTL of 1, as it may happen that when reading them after 1.5 seconds you'll still get the cached entry.


HTTP and HTTPS requests with caching for node.js







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