Building a local query-based search engine to assist searching and indexing over local area networks. Custom searching and results display.
- Crawling: Using Scrapy, BeautifulSoup to scrap Internet and Intranet websites of IIT Guwahati relevant to the campus and preparing dataset to be indexed
- Indexing: Using Whoosh to index the scraped data, based on schemas defined namely TITLE, PATH and CONTENT
- Ranking: Page ranking algorithms to be implemented to implement relevant search results
- Scrapy
- BeautifulSoup
- Whoosh
- Django
- running the scrapy script for scraping
- indexing the scraped data according to schemas created
- running searches on the indexed data
Django based back-end used to deploy the Search engine in the form of a website with comaptible search results on local IITG websites. Project is currently being developed under Students' Web Committee (SWC) IIT Guwahati and has a expansive scope.