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T160. (1.6.0 and later) Simple image format

Dmitry Mamontov edited this page Jun 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

Simple image format

What is a simple image format?

A simple image format is a primitive lossless image format for storing an images. It's purpose is to have the fastest loading time for images.

What are suitable images for storing in this format?

Due to one of goals of the engine (supporting old hardware), it's 32-bit POT-texture with equal height and width.


A file in simple image format must have an extension *.srgba and consist from following sections:

  • 5 bytes signature, which must contain bytes "S", "R", "G", "B", "A"
  • 1 byte which contains a logarithm of height and width of image by basement 2. (Must be smaller than 15 - maximum supported texture is 16384x16384).
  • An array of 4 bytes (RGBA format), which describe an image from left to right, top to bottom.