Easily integrate the geodesics equation using automatic differentiation. C++17.
- The branch api2 has a 5x speedup for implicit midpoint rule. But the API has a slightly less user-friendly way of specifying the metric.
The purpose of this project is to make it easy to calculate paths of test particles being affected by gravity under the theory of general relativity. Using automatic differentiation, the user can specify a metric, without having to worry about its derivatives, which are needed to calculate the geodesics.
The project aims to do these things:
- Calculates the acceleration of the test particle, given a metric and initial position/velocity.
- Automatically calculates the next velocity/position for some popular integration schemes, such as runge-kutta4 and the implicit midpoint rule.
Two header-only libraries:
Write your own metric function or use built in templates.
//Write your own...
Matrix4var schwarzschild(const Vector4var& x) {
double mass = 5.972e24;
double rs = 2.0 * c_g * mass / pow(c_c, 2);
Matrix4var metric = Matrix4var::Zero();
metric(0, 0) = -(1.0 - rs / x[1]);
metric(1, 1) = 1.0 / (1.0 - rs / x[1]);
metric(2, 2) = x[1] * x[1];
metric(3, 3) = x[1] * x[1] * sin(x[2]) * sin(x[2]);
return -1 * metric;
//Or use built-in templates
Matrix4var schwarzschild_cart(const Vector4var& x) {
double mass = 5.972e24;
Vector3d x0 = Vector3d::Zero();
return AutoGeodesics::Metrics::schwarzschild_cartesian(x, mass, x0);
int main(){
Vector4d x,velocity;
// Setup. proper_time=false. Use coordinate time.
AutoGeodesics ag = AutoGeodesics(false);
//Set metric function.
Calculate the 4-acceleration for a set of velocity and position.
// Position y=Radius of Earth.
x = { 0.0,0.0,6371000.0,0.0 };
// Function to setup all 4 components of velocity. Mostly useful for proper_time=true.
velocity = ag.setup_fourvelocity(x, Vector3d({ 0.0,0.0,0.0 }));
//Calculates acceleration. (0 component included).
Vector4d acc = ag.calculate_acc(x, velocity);
Built-in methods lets you calculate the next position/velocity. The Geodesic Equation can be integrated using Runge-Kutta4 method or the Implicit Midtpoint Rule.
//Calculate 1 circular orbit at earth radius. Use 1000 steps.
int steps = 1000;
double dt= 2 * 3.141592 * sqrt(x[2] / 9.81997) / steps;
Vector4d velo,xo;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
velo = velocity;
xo = x;
// Make one step using RungeKutta4
ag.step_rk4(x, velocity, std::make_tuple(xo, velo), dt);
//Alternatively, use implicit midpoint rule
//auto [err, niter] = ag.step_implicit_midpoint(x, velocity, std::make_tuple(xo, velo), dt, 1e-3);
cout << x[0]/c_c<<", "<<x[1]<<", "<<x[2]<<", "<<x[3] << endl;
The class has methods for calculating the jacobian of the acceleration wrt. position and velocity. This is needed for integrating the geodesics equation with implicit methods like the midpoint rule.
The following function is used to calculate the acceleration and its jacobian.
tuple<Vector4d, Matrix<double, 4, 8>> calculate_acc_jac(const Vector<double, 8>& inp);
where inp << x,velocity;