All test and development has been on IOS since that is what our group had available so there is no guarantee that this works on Android.
to begin run,
npm install
cd into the react-native-rpm-peer-to-peer
folder and run
npm install; yarn link
Even if you use npm install use yarn here because the linking process is different for both. yarn will create a symlink in the node modules folder.
cd back to the root and run
yarn link "react-native-rpm-peer-to-peer"
add to the deps of the main project
"react-native-rpm-peer-to-peer": "1.0.0"
It is important do this step after npm install
in the main folder because after adding it to the dependancies npm install wont work because it will look for the p2p package in the npm repositories
Linking will probably be the part with the most issues. With updated libraries there shouldnt be an need for linking but two libraries
Look on the repositories pages for alternative methods but manually linking with
npx react-native link XYZ
You might need to remove duplicated font imports from the Build Phases/Copy Bundle Resources
cd to ios and run pod install
cd to root
run IOS simulator "npx react-native run-ios"
To run the server, clone from
npm install
and then
nodemon server.js -w server.js