A housekeeping chatbot for Notman House. npm install npm update
The environment variables must be set. SLACK_TOKEN value for this bot defined at https://hackthehouseteam.slack.com/services/B3ULA4DH8
To set it on Heroku run heroku config:set SLACK_TOKEN=
Other parameters needs to be set: heroku config:set KITCHEN_SENSOR=<KITCHEN_SENSOR_IP_ADDRESS> heroku config:set KITCHEN_SENSOR_KEY=<KITCHEN_SENSOR_KEY> heroku config:set KEEPERS_KEY=<KEEPERS_WEB_HOOK_TOKEN> heroku config:set MANAGERS_KEY=<MANAGERS_WEB_HOOK_TOKEN> heroku config:set ISSUE_KEY=<URL-key-QR/Bit.ly> heroku config:set CRON_DETECT="*/15 * * * *"
@bot joined #auto-pub channel at #SlacktheHouse stream.
npm start