This is an unofficial OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with the Tunnistamo
identity provider used by cities such as Helsinki and Turku. This gem is mostly
a configuration wrapper around
which uses openid_connect
for OpenID
Connect authentication implementation with identity providers, such as
The gem can be used to hook Ruby/Rails applications to the Tunnistamo identification service.
The gem has been developed by Mainio Tech.
The development has been sponsored by the City of Turku and the City of Helsinki.
The Tunnistamo service is originally developed by the City of Helsinki and it has been taken into use in other cities as well. You can find the original source code from:
In order to start using the Tunnistamo authentication endpoints, you will need to ask the Tunnistamo administrator to create an application in Tunnistamo with the callback URLs of your own service. Please contact the Tunnistamo administrator for further information or read through the Tunnistamo documentation.
The details that you need to send to the Tunnistamo administrator are similar to the following information (apply to your service's domain) for non-Rails+Devise applications:
- Your application's name: Decidim for City
- Callback URL:
When applying this gem to Rails and Devise, the URLs can also include a path
prefix to separate the scope of the authentication requests. For example, if
you are using a :user
scope with Devise, the callback URL would look like
This gem has been only tested and used with Rails applications using Devise, so
this installation guide only covers that part. In case you are interested to
learn how you can use this with other frameworks, please refer to the
documentation and apply it to your needs (changing the strategy name to
and strategy class to OmniAuth::Strategies::Tunnistamo
To install this gem, add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-tunnistamo'
For configuring the strategy for Devise, add the following in your
Devise.setup do |config|
config.omniauth :tunnistamo,
issuer: "",
client_options: {
port: 443,
scheme: "https",
host: "",
identifier: "client-id-for-tunnistamo-from-their-admin",
secret: "client-secret-for-tunnistamo-from-their-admin",
redirect_uri: ""
post_logout_redirect_uri: ""
The user's data is transmitted from Tunnistamo in the OpenID Connect authentication response. This data will be available in the OmniAuth extra hash.
In order to access the response data, you can fetch the OmniAuth extra has and the corresponding user data in the OmniAuth callback handler, e.g. in Rails Devise controllers as follows:
def raw_info
raw_hash = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
extra_hash = raw_hash[:extra]
The user's personal information transmitted from Tunnistamo can be found under
the :raw_info
key in the OmniAuth extra hash described above.
This attributes hash will contain the keys described by the Tunnistamo documentation or administrator. The information is limited to the underlying authentication service and what kind of data it provides.
If you need more information about this data, contact the Tunnistamo administrator.