Play demo here:
- Q Learning fully implemented from scratch
- Ability to customize these settings:
- number of episodes
- number of episode steps
- exploration probability
- minimum exploration probability
- exploration decay
- alpha
- gamma
- number of states
- number of actions
- seconds between turns (should be 0 in practice, but useful to slow down for debugging)
- All user must do is inherit from QAgent and define these two functions:
GetNextState(int currentState, int action)
- Within this function user must execute the action and return the resulting state
GetReward(Vector2 oldPosition, Vector2 newPosition, int nextState)
- Return a reward based on state or based on position
- If more is required in your implementation, edit the header to pass in more data
- User can also overload certain important functions:
- Ability to customize these settings:
- 2 sample Q learning implementations
- 4 direction move to goal
- Tank/Spaceship controls move to goal
- Live Q Learning training screen that displays Q Table and training data in real time
- Ability to graph values and track performance by editing values under "Data Science"
- Ability to change timescale
- PPO ML Agent using Unity ML Agents Package for same scenarios Q Learning uses
- This project is open source, feel free to use it in your projects!