###Another enum module, nothing more
npm install another-enum
##Install tests
// Go into the another-enum directory node_modules/another-enum
// type:
npm install
npm run test:install
npm test
##How does it work ? ###Import
import { Enum } from 'another-enum'
const Enum = require('another-enum').Enum
###Instantiate your Enum
const Colors = Enum.Colors('RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE')
const SimpleHexaColors = Enum.SimpleHexaColors({
RED: 0xFF0000,
GREEN: 0x00FF00,
BLUE: 0x0000FF
// Should be avoided
// Because it will fail when trying to convert it in a number value
const CssColors = Enum.CssColors({
RED: '#FF0000',
GREEN: '#00FF00',
BLUE: '#0000FF'
###Instantiate your Enum with the base number
const HexaColors = Enum.HexaColors(16, {
RED: 0xFF0000,
GREEN: 0x00FF00,
BLUE: 0x0000FF
// Allow you to write your numbers in string, they will be converted after
// Binary
const BinColors = Enum.BinColors(2, {
RED: '100',
GREEN: '010',
BLUE: '001'
// Hexa
const HexaColors2 = Enum.HexaColors2(16, {
RED: 'FF0000',
GREEN: '00FF00',
BLUE: '0000FF'
// The nice thing by doing that is:
BinColors.RED.toString() // => 'BinColors.RED(2:100)'
HexaColors.GREEN.toString() // => 'HexaColors.GREEN(16:00FF00)'
HexaColors2.BLUE.toString() // => 'HexaColors2.BLUE(16:0000FF)'
// Hexa numbers will always be displayed in uppercase
// if you do not specify the base, it will be displayed as base 10
SimpleHexaColors.GREEN.toString() // => 'SimpleHexaColors.GREEN(65280)'
// A bit less readable, right ?
###And simply use it
const OtherColors = Enum.OtherColors('RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE')
// true
Colors.RED == 'RED'
Colors.RED.name ==/= 'RED'
+ Colors.RED ==/= 0
Colors.RED.value ==/= 0
Colors.BLUE.name ==/= OtherColors.BLUE.name
// false
Colors.RED === 'RED'
Colors.RED ==/= 0
Colors.BLUE ==/= OtherColors.BLUE
###Switch case
switch (color)
case Colors.RED:
console.log('The color is red.')
case Colors.GREEN:
console.log('The color is green.')
case Colors.BLUE:
console.log('The color is blue.')
console.log('The color is weird.')
###Bitmask ####Checking if a component is in the mask
const yellowMask = Colors.RED | Colors.GREEN
if ((yellowMask & Colors.RED) === + Colors.RED)
console.log('There is RED in yellow')
// Or
if (Colors.RED.isIn(yellowMask))
console.log('there is RED in yellow')
####Checking if several components are in the mask
const whiteMask = Colors.RED | Colors.GREEN | Colors.BLUE
const cyanMask = Colors.GREEN | Colors.BLUE
if ((whiteMask & cyanMask ) === cyanMask)
console.log('There is GREEN and BLUE in white')
if (Colors.hasIn(whiteMask, Colors.GREEN, Colors.BLUE))
console.log('There is GREEN and BLUE in white')
####Extracting the components from a mask
const magentaMask = Colors.RED | Colors.BLUE
// You can do whatever loop to extract the components
// Or
###Serialize ####Simple value
JSON.stringify(Colors.RED) // => '"Colors.RED"'
####A whole enum
const Colors = Enum.Colors("RED", "GREEN", "BLUE")
// => '{"Colors":{"values":["RED","GREEN","BLUE"]}}'
const DecColors = Enum.DecColors(10, {"RED":0xFF0000, "GREEN":0x00FF00, "BLUE":0x0000FF})
// => '{"DecColors":{"base":10,"values":{"RED":"16711680","GREEN":"65280","BLUE":"255"}}}'
const HexaColors = Enum.HexaColors(16, {"RED":0xFF0000, "GREEN":0x00FF00, "BLUE":0x0000FF})
// => '{"HexaColors":{"base":16,"values":{"RED":"FF0000","GREEN":"00FF00","BLUE":"0000FF"}}}'
const BinColors = Enum.BinColors(2, {"RED":"100", "GREEN":"010", "BLUE":"001"})
// => '{"BinColors":{"base":2,"values":{"RED":"100","GREEN":"010","BLUE":"001"}}}'
const CssColors = Enum.CssColors({RED: '#FF0000', GREEN: '#00FF00', BLUE: '#0000FF'})
// => '{"CssColors":{"values":{"RED":"#FF0000","GREEN":"#00FF00","BLUE":"#0000FF"}}}'
###Deserialize ####Simple value
const serialized = '"Colors.RED"' // Or 'Colors.RED'
// Obviously Colors has to be defined first
const RED = Colors.parse(serialized) // => EnumValue RED
####A whole Enum
// This or any string in the serialize section
const serialized = '{"HexaColors":{"base":16,"values":{"RED":"FF0000","GREEN":"00FF00","BLUE":"0000FF"}}}'
const HexaColors = Enum.parse(serialized) // => Enum HexaColors { "RED": {}, "GREEN": {}, "BLUE": {} }
###Enum (returned by Enum.YourName(...)) ####get(value)
Colors.get(1) // EnumValue GREEN
HexaColors.get(0x00FF00) // EnumValue GREEN
CssColors.get("#00FF00") // EnumValue GREEN
Colors.getAt(2) // EnumValue BLUE
HexaColors.getAt(2) // EnumValue BLUE
CssColors.getAt(2) // EnumValue BLUE
####hasIn(_mask, ...[enumValues|names|values])
const value = 0xFFFF00
HexaColors.hasIn(value, Colors.RED, Colors.GREEN) // true
HexaColors.hasIn(value, Colors.RED, Colors.BLUE) // false
HexaColors.hasIn(value, "RED", "GREEN") // true
HexaColors.hasIn(value, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00) // true
// You can even mix them
HexaColors.hasIn(value, 0x00FF00, "RED") // true
HexaColors.hasIn(value, Colors.GREEN, "RED") // true
const value = 0xFFFF00
HexaColors.in(value) // [HexaColors.RED, HexaColors.GREEN]
HexaColors.length // 3
Colors.name // 'Colors'
HexaColors.name // 'HexaColors'
CssColors.name // 'CssColors'
Colors.parse("Colors.RED") // EnumValue RED
Colors.parse("HexaColors.RED") // null
Colors.parse("Not an enum value") // null
for (const color of Colors)
// color : EnumValue
// | RED
// | GREEN
// | BLUE
for (const color in Colors)
// color : string
// | 'RED'
// | 'GREEN'
// | 'BLUE'
###EnumValue ####index
Colors.RED.index // 0
HexaColors.RED.index // 0
CssColors.RED.index // 0
const value = 0xFFFF00
HexaColors.RED.isIn(value) // true
HexaColors.GREEN.isIn(value) // true
HexaColors.BLUE.isIn(value) // false
Colors.RED.longName // 'Colors.RED'
HexaColors.RED.longName // 'HexaColors.RED'
CssColors.RED.longName // 'CssColors.RED'
Colors.RED.name // 'RED'
HexaColors.RED.name // 'RED'
CssColors.RED.name // 'RED'
Colors.RED.stringValue // '0'
HexaColors.RED.stringValue // 'FF0000'
CssColors.RED.stringValue // '#FF0000'
BinColors.RED.stringValue // '100'
Colors.RED.value // 0
HexaColors.RED.value // 16711680
CssColors.RED.value // '#FF0000'
BinColors.RED.value // 4
###/!\ You should always either capitalize or uppercase all your enum/values. This allow to avoid shadowing methods on them or get an error at your face.
####For safety sake, these names are forbidden for enum values: . get . getAt . hasIn . in . index . name . stringValue . toJSON . toString They will throw an error if you use them
You can't add twice the same name/value in an Enum. It will throw an error
// "RED" is already defined in "Colors"
Enum.Colors('RED', 'RED', 'BLUE')
// The value "16711680" is already used for "Colors.RED"
Enum.Colors(16, {RED: 0xFF0000, GREEN: 0xFF0000, BLUE: 0x0000FF })