A simple hook application beside magixsource/Timeline
- You are using SVN
- SVN server has install JDK and can be use (at least JDK1.4 and JDK1.6 is recommanded)
- Last but not least, you like magixsource/Timeline web application and wanna use
- jar timeline-svnbot and take timeline-svnbot.jar to $SVN_REPO/your_repo/hooks/
- copy /resources/post-commit.bat to &SVN_REPO/your_repo/hooks
- copy /resources/async-http-client-1.6.3.jar and /resources/log4j-1.2.15.jar to $SVN_REPO/your_repo/hooks
- config post-commit hook program and save it (SEE NEXT)
- Ok success
Log file: Where application runtime log
Java Home : Are you kidding me ? you don't know it ! ^_^
Class path: in application demo,just tell java env know,Where timeline-svnbot.jar and log.jar was
svnlook log -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook author -r %REV% %REPOS% >>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook date -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook diff -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
SVN program APIs was
java -classpath %CLASSPATH% com.linpeng.svnbot.hooks.PostCommintHook %REV% %DETAILS_FILE%
Program timeline-svnhook main entrance.
Main configuration in PostCommitHook is the method called "invoke" You can extends it and do what your wanna,in application demo,I just make commit information translate as a simple text file And you can do : + Call magixsource/Timeline WebService to tell it some guy is commit right now. + Save it as logfile (as default) and magixsource/Timeline scan logfile forder interval + And so on...