Every man has the right to manage and control his clipboard buffers - magicmanam
This tool helps you with managing Windows clipboard buffers: text, files, images. It makes your work more effective, fun and proud. Russian and English languages are supported
You can download BuferMAN program here.
BuferMAN helps you in copypasting of text, images and files data. It allows you to save your clipboard bufers and many hours of your time. Every bufer has a context menu with many useful features. At application start BuferMAN is initialized with lines from 'bufers.txt' file located at the root of the application. There you can store the most popular text bufers.
!!! For correct usage with programs launched in administrative mode, BuferMAN should be started in admin mode as well.
Alt+C - make BuferMAN visible
TAB - tabify between bufers
Home - go to the first bufer (or just key: X)
End - go to the latest bufer (or just key: V)
C - tabify 3 times
Ctrl+H - hide bufer with some alias
Space - the same as Enter key - paste selected bufer into an active window
Ctrl+Z - undo previous operation
Ctrl+Y - redo previous operation
Bufer - wrapper over Windows clipboard item.
Credentials bufer - a bufer which minimize your interaction with login forms. Initial bufer's value is used as username, password you can set using Ctrl + L (Login) hot key. After that just place a cursor at username field in login form, activate a program using Alt + C hot key and select credentials bufer. The program will type your username, press TAB, type a password and Enter key while you just enjoy you life. Warning: Passwords are stored in-memory as-is and w/o encryption, so please do not use this feature for real credentials.
Comparison table of BuferMAN with similar tools (Ditto, Windows 10, ...) you can find here.
GNU General Public License v3.0
I want to say thanks to the author of the icon I use in BuferMAN: https://www.iconsdb.com/royal-blue-icons/copy-icon.html