Simple bioimage analysis macro/scripts developed at Advanced Light Microscopy Facility at I3S, Porto Portugal
LIFtoTIFF: Convert the series of a LIF file into TIF format
FromInCellToHyperstack: convert InCell images in hyperstack arranged by wells and fields
SaveLasXFilesToHyperstack: convert Leica isolated images in hyperstack arranged by position/region/field
Woundhealing_TimeSegmentation: calculate wound healing area of a time-lapse image
StarDist_process_folder: apply a pre trained StarDist 2D model to a folder of images
CreateBandsQuadrants: creates "sholl analysis" concentric shell with a specific number/width of bands from a starting Roi
SetParasiteLabel: creates an annotated image with the parasite track information obtained from script
InCell_Merge_Excel_Files: merge at least two excel files from InCell analysis results
From_subfolder_to_folder: join files from different subfolders to he same level folder
ChangeFilenames: change file names, by string replacement. Also allows removing file name spaces(e.g, test 1.txt to test1.txt)
MergeExcelFiles: Merge two excel (.csv) files (source and target) by specifying the columns number to copy from source to target file;
AppendExcelFiles: Merge excel files with the same columns and save in a new excel file;
GetParasitePosition: Extract tracks position information from logfile.txt (the output of the ToAsp plugin
Mafalda Sousa, BioImage Analyst, [email protected]
Explicit acknowledgement to the ALM facility should be done in case of published articles (approved in C.E. 7/17/2017):
"The authors acknowledge the support of i3S Scientific Platform Advanced Light Microscopy, member of the national infrastructure PPBI-Portuguese Platform of BioImaging (supported by POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122)."