Nagios plugin helper library. It is now easy to write Nagios plugins in python without bothering with details.
An example:
import sys from libnagios import Nagios nagios_check = Nagios('Asset') asset = CheckVariable('asset', float, 'EUR') asset.ok_condition = lambda x: x > 10 asset.warn_condition = lambda x: 5 < x <= 10 asset.crit_condition = lambda x: x <= 5 self.inst.add_check_variable(asset) nagios_check.add_check_variable(asset) nagios_check.add_check_result('asset', 12) code, output = nagios_check.generate_output() print(output) sys.exit(code)
this should print 'Asset OK - 12.00 EUR | asset=12.00', and exit with code '0'.