This is a simple repairman-api:
- Users
- Admin
- Cars
- Quotes
- Comments
- Clone this repository
- cd into the
folder - Run the following on the terminal
rails s
- Hit the following routes:
Prefix | Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
car_quote_comments | GET | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:quote_id/comments(.:format) | comments#index |
POST | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:quote_id/comments(.:format) | comments#create | |
car_quote_comment | GET | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:quote_id/comments/:id(.:format) | comments#show |
PATCH | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:quote_id/comments/:id(.:format) | comments#update | |
PUT | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:quote_id/comments/:id(.:format) | comments#update | |
DELETE | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:quote_id/comments/:id(.:format) | comments#delete | |
car_quotes | GET | /cars/:car_id/quotes(.:format) | quotes#index |
POST | /cars/:car_id/quotes(.:format) | quotes#create | |
car_quote | GET | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:id(.:format) | quotes#show |
PATCH | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:id(.:format) | quotes#update | |
PUT | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:id(.:format) | quotes#update | |
DELETE | /cars/:car_id/quotes/:id(.:format) | quotes#destroy | |
cars | GET | /cars(.:format) | cars#index |
POST | /cars(.:format) | cars#create | |
car | GET | /cars/:id(.:format) | cars#show |
PATCH | /cars/:id(.:format) | cars#update | |
PUT | /cars/:id(.:format) | cars#update | |
DELETE | /cars/:id(.:format) | cars#destroy | |
auth_login | POST | /auth/login(.:format) | authentication#authenticate |
signup | POST | /signup(.:format) | users#create |
user_quotes | GET | /users/:id/quotes(.:format) | quotes#user_quotes |
admin_cars | GET | /admin/cars(.:format) | cars#all_cars |
admin_quotes | GET | /admin/quotes(.:format) | quotes#all_quotes |
GET | /admin/quotes/:id(.:format) | quotes#show_quote | |
POST | /admin/quotes/:quote_id/comments(.:format) | comments#create | |
GET | /admin/quotes/:quote_id/comments/:id(.:format) | comments#show_comment |