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Reporting an Issue

Yee Cheng Chin edited this page Jul 7, 2019 · 5 revisions

When you see a problem or bug, or just have general feedback or suggestions, feel free to file an issue.

Before reporting an issue, you may want to try the following:

  1. Use Vim in the terminal and see if the issue still exists.
  2. Launch MacVim without any plugins or custom settings by doing mvim --clean. This helps isolate whether it's an issue with a setting or plugin.
  3. See if your question is answered in the FAQ.

When reporting an issue, it's often useful to include the following information:

  1. How you installed MacVim. The main ways are: official release, Homebrew, or building from source.
  2. OS version (e.g. 10.14.1). You can see this information by click on the top left Apple logo, and select "About This Mac".
  3. Vim versioning info. In terminal, type vim --version and paste the results. If you obtained MacVim through official releases, it is enough to just say which snapshot you downloaded.
  4. Any MacVim-specific custom setting. In terminal, type defaults read org.vim.MacVim | grep 'MM\|SU' and paste the result in the issue description.

Also, look at for how to generate debug logs.

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