Scripts and hopefully useful stuff - Duplicity backup and restore script
This script is a wrapper around duplicity and aims at automating backups. It uses the wernight/duplicity docker container in interactive mode.
- Have a remote host to use with duplicity. eg. a synology server with rsync enabled.
- Setup ssh keys in a .ssh directory placed in the script directory base path
- Configure the following variables inside the script:
SOURCE="" #Source Path
REMOTEHOST="" #Destination user and host eg. [email protected]
REMOTEPATH="" #Remote destination
ENCPP="" #Random encryption password
USAGE: ./ [backup|listtags|list|restore] [backup tag] [source|destination]
backup: perform a backup, the third argument is the backup source
listtags: list backup tags
list: list duplicity backups
restore: restore backuped up data, the second argument is the restore destination
Running the script in cron:
0 3 * * * /data01/maxinet/docker/maxibackup/ backup docker-data /data01/maxinet/docker-data >> /var/log/backup.log 2>&1
Restoring data:
./ restore mailu2 /data01/maxinet/mailu-restore/ jira cli
This perl script will allow you to query, comment, close and export Jira tickets.
Perl requirements:
JIRA::Client::Automated; Class::CSV; Term::ANSIColor;
How to use: Create a .jira.rc in your home directory with the following information:
jiraurl = <your jira url>
juser = <username>
jpass = <password>
-u query tickets in open and in progress state for the comma separated list of users
-C Close the given ticket (requires -m)
-c output in csv format
-m add a comment to the given ticket
-j search ticket via JQL
-t ticket number
-v print ticket details and comments
-d set debug on (default: off)
-h Print This help message