This repository contains files for simulating Dandelion routing and adversary deanonymization attacks.
- Tested with Python 3.6.3
version 2.0
How do I use this library?
Simulation scripts that output data are prefixed with "main." To run one of
these scripts, execute python3.6 main_<...>.py
from the appropriate directory
in the command line.
- Directory Contents: A map of the project directory
- License
- approx-2-regular-k: Each node has exactly one outbound edge but a variable number of inbound edges. The adversary is given routing information.
- approx-2-regular-u: Each node has exactly one outbound edge but a variable number of inbound edges. The adversary is not given routing information.
- approx-4-regular-k: Each node has exactly two outbound edges but a variable number of inbound edges. The adversary is given routing information.
- approx-4-regular-u: Each node has exactly two outbound edges but a variable number of inbound edges. The adversary is not given routing information.
- exact-2-regular-k: Each node has exactly one outbound edge and exactly one inbound edge. The adversary is given routing information.
- exact-2-regular-u: Each node has exactly one outbound edge and exactly one inbound edge. The adversary is not given routing information.
- exact-4-regular-k: Each node has exactly two outbound edges and exactly two inbound edges. The adversary is given routing information.
- exact-4-regular-u: Each node has exactly two outbound edges and exactly two inbound edges. The adversary is not given routing information.
- fingerprint-d1: Simulates a fingerprint attack with one outbound edge per node, split into the number of messages observed per node.
- fingerprint-d2: Simulates a fingerprint attack with two outbound edges per node, split into the number of messages observed per node.
- fingerprint-d4: Simulates a fingerprint attack with four outbound edges per node, split into the number of messages observed per node.
- fingerprint-d8: Simulates a fingerprint attack with eight outbound edges per node, split into the number of messages observed per node.
- LICENSE.txt: License information
- This document
Written in 2017-2018 by Bradley Denby
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this work to the public domain worldwide. This work is distributed without any warranty.
You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication with this work. If not, see