Repo for MTS standard (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3) as devised back in the day.
Most popular was the MTS 1.1 standard.
- Using Notepad++, theme files' codepages were set and then converted to UTF8.
- Some theme files are still ANSI encoded, these theme files use lime.fon, bright.fon, Terminal etc.
- Some theme files are untouched. Can be found in the MTS11/_Unsorted folder.
This theme engine can be had here. It still works under mirc 7.x
- Please read:
- Supports up to MTS 1.1
- Not all themes load well in KTE.
- The below fix was made to KTE 1.5 in this repo:
ircN can be had here:
- Supports up to MTS 1.1
- AFAIK- Uses modified KTE engine.
- Not all themes here load well and need a little adjustment.
Pai created P&P and released it back in Feb 2002. Within it she created a MTS 1.1 compatible theme engine. It was coded in pure mSL (hence it's still working)
P&P can be had on GitHub at:
- Supports up to MTS 1.1
- Not all themes here load well and need a little adjustment.
- Some themes here have been modded to work in P&P, see: