have ai write commit messages for you in lazygit.
uses Openai or google AI to generate commit message suggestions based on the diff between the current branch and master. then you can select a commit message from the list and use it to commit your changes.
bunx @m7medvision/lazycommit@latest config
set up with your openai api key & preferred model:
You can specify custom templates. use bunx @m7medvision/lazycommit@latest config
to edit the templates.
this creates a menu of commit messages based on the diff between the current branch and master.
insert the following custom command into your lazygit config file:
- key: "<c-a>" # ctrl + a
description: "pick AI commit"
command: 'git commit -m "{{.Form.Msg}}"'
context: "files"
- type: "menuFromCommand"
title: "ai Commits"
key: "Msg"
command: "bunx @m7medvision/lazycommit@latest"
filter: '^(?P<number>\d+)\.\s(?P<message>.+)$'
valueFormat: "{{ .message }}"
labelFormat: "{{ .number }}: {{ .message | green }}"
this allows you to edit the commit message in vim after you've selected it from the menu.
abort committing by deleting the commit message in vim.
- key: "<c-a>" # ctrl + a
description: "Pick AI commit"
command: 'echo "{{.Form.Msg}}" > .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG && nvim .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG && [ -s .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG ] && git commit -F .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG || echo "Commit message is empty, commit aborted."'
context: "files"
subprocess: true
- type: "menuFromCommand"
title: "AI Commits"
key: "Msg"
command: "bunx @m7medvision/lazycommit@latest"
filter: '^(?P<number>\d+)\.\s(?P<message>.+)$'
valueFormat: "{{ .message }}"
labelFormat: "{{ .number }}: {{ .message | green }}"
check out original project bunnai. check out these other projects that inspired this one: