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Generic library for structured commands with explicit parallelism


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Generic library for structured commands with explicit parallelism

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Combining Free Monads and Free Applicatives is a great way to get the advantages of both, as seen in e.g. this talk by Markus Hauck. Tierney offers some simple wrappers to reduce the boilerplate of doing this with your own types, while also enforcing that code is always very explicit about which steps can and can't happen in parallel, freeing you to refactor with confidence that a simple change isn't going to accidentally serialise all of your operations.

How to use

Add the dependency


Direct use with Future or Task

Given a "deferred execution" type like FS2 Task, Tierney lets you write code that's more explicit about which things may happen in serial versus in parallel:

import, cats.syntax.all._
(for { 
  w <- ( (for {
      x <- Serial(someTask)
      y <- Serial(anotherTask(x)) 
    } yield y).parallel,
      Parallel(yetAnotherTask) ).mapN {
        (y, z) => someMerge(y, z)
      } .serial
  v <- ...
} yield {...}).runParallel

y will be computed after x, but z will be computed in parallel with both; attempting to use for/yield on Parallels is a compilation error, while using Applicative functionality like mapN on Serials will serialize their evaluation. This means we leave some performance on the table compared to "opportunistic" approaches that offer both parallel mapN and serial for/yield on the same type, but we ensure that equivalent code (according to the monad/applicative laws) has equivalent parallelism, so "safe" refactors should never radically change performance characteristics (in either direction). The only way to change parallel code to serial (or vice versa) is to change Serial(x) to Parallel(x) or add/remove an explicit .serial or .parallel call. Hopefully these strike the right balance between lightweight and explicit.

Use with custom command type and interpreter

Tierney can be used with F[_] being a custom command type - using TierneyFree[F, A] like you'd use Free[F, A]. In this case you simply pass an interpreter to the final runParallel call:

sealed trait MyCommand[A]
case class ReadInt(path: String) extends MyCommand[Int]
case class WriteInt(path: String, value: Int) extends MyCommand[Unit]

val program = for {
  i <- Serial(ReadInt("src"))
  _ <- (Parallel(WriteInt("dst1", i)) *> Parallel(WriteInt("dst2", i + 4))).serial
} yield {}

object MyInterpreter extends (MyCommand ~> Task) { ... }


See this example code for a more in-depth example that corresponds to Markus Hauck's talk.


  • Conceptually there are three mutually recursive TierneyFree subtypes:
    • Node[F, A] = Coproduct[F, Serial[F, ?], A]
      • Left Nodes are where the recursive structure bottoms out in actual F[_]s
      • The real type is slightly different since we do the recursion using a fixed point combinator FixKK rather than directly
      • The type above is called UNode
    • Parallel[F, A] = FreeApplicative[Node[F, ?], A]
      • Can be used with mapN-style composition
    • Serial[F, A] = Free[Parallel[F, ?], A
      • Can be used with for/yield composition
  • Any TierneyFree can be converted to any of the three types using .node, .serial and .parallel
  • Interpretation functions are on TierneyFree itself
    • runParallel requires both a Monad (for executing serial sections) and a ParallelApplicative, a custom type that represents Applicatives that we know run operations in parallel. This is really "run as parallel as possible" - serial commands can only ever be executed serially.
    • runSerialOrUnprincipled executes both serial and parallel commands using the passed Monad. Therefore every command will run serially, unless the Monad uses unprincipled "opportunistic" parallelisation.
    • shallowAnalyze will analyze "as far as possible" i.e. it will "hide" any chained serial commands. E.g. if you're trying to prefetch users, this can only let you prefetch those users whose IDs were passed in to start with, not e.g. friends of those users, since it's not possible to find out their user IDs without actually running the commands.

Information for developers

Desirable features

  • Add a deeper equivalent of shallowAnalyze to enable us to optimize code after flatMap chains
  • Look at integrating with cats Parallel (perhaps renaming our Parallel) if it ever takes off.
  • Replace current basic performance test of ParallelApplicative with something more robust
  • Add more ParallelApplicative implementations e.g. scalaz-concurrent Task
  • Add performance tests for all ParallelApplicative implementations
  • Add tut-maven-plugin (once implemented) to enforce that code examples in this document are correct

Current project layout

  • Higher-kinded variants of some general constructs as necessary to support the rest of the project (core, potentially to be replaced with use of polykinds from Typelevel Scala)
  • Recursion-schemes style Fix/FixK/... constructs and traversal implementations (currently also core, potentially to be spun out into a separate module if the above remains necessary)
  • ParallelApplicative type to express explicit, intentional parallelism (free, potentially to be spun out into a separate module)
    • Implementations for common cases (stdlib Future, monix Task, fs2 Task), potentially to be spun out into their own modules to minimize dependencies
  • Implementation of a free hybrid monad-applicative structure, making use of all the above (free)

How to develop in Eclipse

  1. Usual Eclipse Scala development setup:
  2. Unzip Eclipse
  3. Install scala-ide plugin
  4. Install m2eclipse-scala plugin
  5. Install maven scm connector for git (possibly bundled in recent versions of eclipse)
  6. File > Import ... , Maven > Check Out Maven Projects from SCM
  7. Enter the clone URL from GitHub
  8. Click Next, then Finish immediately i.e. skip as much of the wizard as possible
  9. For each project:
  10. Right click > Properties, Scala Compiler
  11. Advanced tab, XPlugin box: fill in the full path to kind-projector[...].jar
  12. Build manager tab, untick "withVersionClasspathValidator" as it is overly sensitive to patch versions for compiler plugins


Generic library for structured commands with explicit parallelism







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Contributors 3

