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Project Tracker

Project Tracker is a business application that manages project status and tracks employee hours.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


In order to run this project, you need to have Node.js and PostgreSQL installed. To tell if you have them installed, open your Command Line/Terminal and type the following:

$ node -v
$ psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 10.x

Downloading The Project

To begin setting up the project, either download the project by clicking here or by cloning the project:

$ git clone
$ cd tech-project

Setting Up The Database

In order to setup the database, a sample script has been created.

Start from the root of the project folder. To check if you are in the root, use pwd and ls to check the folder structure. You should see something like this:

$ pwd
$ ls
assets tech-back-end tech-db-scripts tech-front-end

After confirming you're in the root, go to the tech-db-scripts folder and run the script.

$ cd tech-db-scripts
$ psql < techno.SQL

Setting Up The Front End

Return to the root of the project folder and go to the tech-front-end directory and run npm install:

$ cd ..
$ cd tech-front-end
$ npm install

After the dependencies have been installed, you can move onto the backend.

Installing The Back End

Return to the root of the project folder and go to the tech-back-end directory and run npm install:

$ cd ..
$ cd tech-back-end
$ npm install

After the dependencies have been installed, you have to create a .env file. In the root of the tech-back-end, create a new file named .env and paste the following:


Here I have the DB_URL set to the default PostgreSQL port (5432), please change that to the port your PostgreSQL is set up to.

PORT can be changed to whatever port is available for you.

SECRET_KEY is used for signing the JWT Token.

You can now start up the project.

Running The Project

To run the project, you will need to have two console windows open, one in the tech-front-end directory, and one in the tech-back-end directory.


Run npm start with the tech-back-end first and then run npm start with tech-front-end once the back-end finishes starting up.

To confirm the backend has started, you should see something similar to the following with no errors:

[nodemon] 1.18.5
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node server.js`
Server running on port: 5000

To confirm the frontend has started, you should be greeted with this screen.

Unauthorized Login

Using Project Tracker

To login, use admin/password as the login credentials. If login is successful, you will be greeted with the dashboard.


You can go to the Employees tab and add and employee to the database.

Employee Page

Add Employee

Once you have added your employee, you can go to the Projects tab to add a project.

Project Page

Add Project

Once you have added the project, you can click on the project name to view the Project Details.

Project Detail

Here, you can add your newly created employee to the project.

Add Employee To Project

You can also add an assignment to your employee on this page as well.

Project Assignment

Once you have added these, you can click onto your employee's name to view the employee details.

Employee Detail

If you need to update or delete the assignment, you can either click on the assignment name, or return to the project details page to see the update and delete button.

Assignment Detail

If there is an assignment that went over the employee's estimated time, it will show up on the dashboard. Additionally, any assignments that are blocked will show up on the dashboard as well.


Built With


  • William Yang - Initial work - m1771vw
  • James Park - Initial work - jaamz
  • John Chu - Initial work - twmphoto


You can look here for a list of contributors for the project.


Employee and Project tracker web application






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