This is my home computer setup aiming for pragmatic, keyboard-focused usage while still looking awesome.
I spend most of my time writing code, but I also draw, make music and play games on this.
- OS: NixOS (latest stable)
- lorri with direnv for a smooth nix-shell experience
- home-manager for per-user package management
- window manager: awesome
- theme based on awesome-copycats powerline theme
- tag management with charitable
- randomized wallpaper slideshow
- colors from solarized
- screenshots with maim
- compositor: picom
- terminal: kitty with tmux
- code editor: neovim
- using Neovim's native language server support, nvim-cmp and telescope.nvim for smooth coding and navigation
- theme: nightfly
- LaTeX setup with vimtex and ultisnips based on this blog post by Gilles Castel
- drawing with krita
- making music with ardour
- other cool stuff: