Specialized for Night Game DozoR, but useful for another Quests.
- Caesar cypher (ROT-N)
- Atbash cypher (A=Z, B=Y..)
- Bacon cypher (AAABABA)
- Wrong keymap (Shift+Alt)
- Reverse text (from end to begin)
- Morse (ru, en, and replacing dots by tirets)
- HEX to text
- BIN to text
- ASCII codes to text
- Position in alphabet
- Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Degrees, Minutes
- Degrees
There is no cryptoanalitic better than man, so:
/abc - picture alphabets and ciphers.
Own anagramizer, caesar speed-up
Switch to Python3
- Home page redesign
- Speed improvements
- Smart Caesar: words at the top of list.
- Coordinates: DMS works.
T9 to words.
- Accept: (\d*\s*)*
- Word - digits without spaces. Can't accept any punctuation.
Speed improvements, bug-fixes, refactoring.
- Updated to Twitter Bootstrap 3 RC1.
- Restyled to user-friendly interface by Miocene.
- Decapsulating english, russian, capital letters and digits from text.
- Anagrams for english and russian words (Thanks to 4maf.ru and wordsmith.org)
Filtering by bad input:
- Alphabetic ciphers only for letters.
- Morse only for dots and tirets.
- Numbers only for numbers.
Migrate to single Heroku APP.
Coordinate converter.
Beautified with TwitterBootstrap.
- Position in alphabet
- Morse
- Caesar
- Atbash
- Bacon
- Reverse
Django app.